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Making some signs for the 9/12 March on Washington......

(1/4) > >>

....... and want some ideas.

I have 4 18" x 24" signs to make, double sided= 8 messages.  I need to keep them short, so the letters can be big enough to be read from a distance.

So far, I have :

"The 10th Amendment: Heard of it?!?!?!"

"Obama is Borrowing So Much of my Kids' Money...... (over) .... He Needs 31(!) "Special Advisers" to figure out how to spend it!"


Do you want actual suggestions, or something you'd be put on "The List" for?

Not looking to be added to more lists!  I need something civil...... preferably pertaining to the 10th Amendment and all the stuff the .gov is doing that it should not be doing:  BailoutsHealthcareyadayadayada.....

How about......
 "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectfully, or to the people. "

" Live Free or Die"



--- Quote from: huskergun on September 08, 2009, 06:52:51 PM ---The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

--- End quote ---

Hmm, I think I like that quote better.


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