The letter might be black propaganda, which means the letter-writer pretended to be a liberal dupe but was in reality a patriot trying to make liberal dupes look even more sheep-like than they already look. But I have a feeling it's a real letter from a real liberal dupe, and if it isn't it certainly could be, because it does express the ignorance and foolishness and anti-Americanism that characterizes liberal dupes.
Black propaganda can be effective in any case, and might be worth doing from time to time, on internet sites etc. Like maybe letters or posts in liberal media saying that gun control is good because it keeps guns out of the hands of the lower races or lower classes, or only rich and famous and government people should be able to get carry permits because they are more competent and their lives matter more, or that women should not bear arms because they are too emotional. It's like putting an Obama (or Clinton) sticker on your rear bumper and then driving around slow in the fast lane during peak use times.