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Water softner install?

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--- Quote from: FarmerRick on April 21, 2014, 09:49:19 PM ---I had a Futuramic at our last house. It went through at least 5 bags of salt per month and was very noisy during it's cycle.

I've had a WaterBoss from Menards in this house for about 3 years now. 5 people in the house and I only go through about 2-3 bags of salt per month with pretty darn hard water to deal with. No complaints. Installation is pretty simple.

It is often on sale for $399.

--- End quote ---

I have the Waterboss at home in Denman.  I love it and the nice thing is they are easy to setup and install yourself and take up very little room.  Disadvantage is they bridge easily so I have to check it weekly and make sure the salt hasn't bridged over.

Strange to hear about your softener from Stryker.  Surprised they didn't make that right with you.


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