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Author Topic: Media Should Have A Good Time With This Fathers Grief  (Read 1565 times)

Offline Gary

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Re: Media Should Have A Good Time With This Fathers Grief
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2014, 09:32:09 AM »
 well here we go again, don't blame the person who did the shooting, blame the gun..
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Offline Gary

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Re: Media Should Have A Good Time With This Fathers Grief
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2014, 09:44:30 AM »
well here we go again, don't blame the person who did the shooting, blame the gun..

This guy is blaming the NRA.  I hope the NRA reaches out to him in some way. 

We all feel bad about the tragic loss of lives, but the full story about the nut that did this, is most likely over medication from years of being in the public school system, with doctors making money right and left, pumping these kids full of meds, that do more harm than good.    The kid is allowed to play video games 120 hours a w week, no job, no responcibilities, most likely a broken home, and when the kid explodes, people blame guns.

Offline JTH

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Re: Media Should Have A Good Time With This Fathers Grief
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2014, 10:21:42 AM »
We all feel bad about the tragic loss of lives, but the full story about the nut that did this, is most likely over medication from years of being in the public school system, with doctors making money right and left, pumping these kids full of meds, that do more harm than good.    The kid is allowed to play video games 120 hours a w week, no job, no responcibilities, most likely a broken home, and when the kid explodes, people blame guns.

Do you have any evidence that this was the case at all?

Or are you just rambling on, blaming things that you have no idea about, confusing the actual issue without having any facts?

This is as ridiculous as the father blaming the NRA.
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Re: Media Should Have A Good Time With This Fathers Grief
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2014, 11:53:08 AM »
Do you have any evidence that this was the case at all?

Or are you just rambling on, blaming things that you have no idea about, confusing the actual issue without having any facts?

This is as ridiculous as the father blaming the NRA.


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Re: Media Should Have A Good Time With This Fathers Grief
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2014, 03:43:43 PM »
I'm not sure if the statements made are 100% correct, but there is some truth to them.

The suspect’s family was aware their son needed help and he was being treated by “multiple professionals,” the attorney said. Elliot Rodgers was diagnosed at an earlier age with Asperger Syndrome, a highly-functional form of autism characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication.

He was prescribed medication for extreme paranoia, but supposedly had not been taking it. He and the room-mates that were murdered were living together at Independent Living Institute in Santa Barbara, a facility that offers “living skills instruction to help adults with disabilities to live more independently in their communities,” according to the website.

He did come from a "broken home":

His mother, Lichin 'Chin' Rodger, is a nurse from Malaysia. Peter divorced Chin and married Soumaya Akaaboune, a French-Moroccan actress who stars in the French version of the Real Housewives.

She recently had roles in 2013's Lovelace and the 2012 film Playing for Keeps.

He has one little sister and a half brother with his father's second wife, Akaaboune.

In his written "manifesto", "He revealed that he was obsessed with video games"

What I haven't found was whether he was a US Citizen or not. He was born in London, England and they moved here when he was 5.  From what I've read, he legally purchased three handguns (in the State of California) within the last year.



Offline Gary

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Re: Media Should Have A Good Time With This Fathers Grief
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2014, 07:29:10 PM »
I am not on medication, but someone always dogging other forum members, can they say that?

As the post above shows, some of us are connected to reality. 
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 07:34:10 PM by Gary »

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Re: Media Should Have A Good Time With This Fathers Grief
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2014, 08:55:36 PM »
I'm not sure if the statements made are 100% correct, but there is some truth to them.
He was prescribed medication for extreme paranoia, but supposedly had not been taking it. He and the room-mates that were murdered were living together at Independent Living Institute in Santa Barbara, a facility that offers “living skills instruction to help adults with disabilities to live more independently in their communities,” according to the website.

He did come from a "broken home":


In his written "manifesto", "He revealed that he was obsessed with video games"

Here was what Gary originally said:
We all feel bad about the tragic loss of lives, but the full story about the nut that did this, is most likely over medication from years of being in the public school system, with doctors making money right and left, pumping these kids full of meds, that do more harm than good.    The kid is allowed to play video games 120 hours a w week, no job, no responcibilities, most likely a broken home, and when the kid explodes, people blame guns.

You'll note the difference is that Gary said the public school systems caused him to be given lots of drugs that he didn't need with doctors making money off it----and the case seems to be rather the opposite, that he should have been on meds but wasn't.  Which had nothing to do with a public school system, nor were any doctors to blame.

And calling a divorce and remarriage a "broken home" makes little sense.  Similarly, "allowed to play video games 120 hours a week" is very different from "likes video games". 

And in the end, "no job" and "no responsibilities" has very little to do with a kid deciding to suddenly murder lots of people.  Because oddly enough, many kids each year from much worse situations manage to NOT kill lots of people.

Again, the initial statement made as little sense as blaming the NRA, and was based on just as little logic foundation.

I am not on medication, but someone always dogging other forum members, can they say that?

As the post above shows, some of us are connected to reality. 

Right, right, always dogging others.  Or maybe, just calling people on nonsense that not only is incorrect, but sometimes is actively wrong (as in wrong enough to cause a problem) or calling out people who play a blame game based on no facts at all. 

I like the "medication" crack there, too, but I suppose it shouldn't surprise me, as you don't ever seem to be able to back up what you say, instead preferring to make personal attacks or attempt metaphors that make no sense.

Still teaching people to disassemble their carry firearms with one hand and place the parts in a baggie on the dashboard in the time it takes to coast to a stop when pulled over by a police officer on the highway, Gary?  (I'll note for people who've joined recently, this CAN'T be a personal attack on Gary, because when asked, he stated for the record that this is what he does, and the police appreciate it, and he thinks this is a good idea.)

Back to the original topic: 

How about we place the blame squarely where it belongs, which is on the kid who decided that his little duck feelings were more important than other people's lives, and acted on it.   Oh wait---he isn't a "kid" even though people are characterizing him that way.  He was 22---an adult, in college.

And he chose to be a vile pathetic murderer.  There may have been contributing factors to his actions---but in the end, he made his choices, and HE is to blame.
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Re: Media Should Have A Good Time With This Fathers Grief
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2014, 10:54:51 PM »
How about we place the blame squarely where it belongs, which is on the kid who decided that his little duck feelings were more important than other people's lives, and acted on it.   Oh wait---he isn't a "kid" even though people are characterizing him that way.  He was 22---an adult, in college.And he chose to be a vile pathetic murderer.  There may have been contributing factors to his actions---but in the end, he made his choices, and HE is to blame.


Offline newfalguy101

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Re: Media Should Have A Good Time With This Fathers Grief
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2014, 12:01:05 AM »
The fact of the matter is, the "system" worked exactly like it is supposed to when it comes to firearms.  The "system" is in place to determine if there is ANYTHING in an individuals past ( as far as legal issues ) to indicate the person should be prohibited.  This guy passed all checks, TWICE apparently, I Cali no less!!

Everything that could realistically be done was done.  End of story.  Evil does as evil will and no amount of handwringing or legalese will stop it, nothing short of someone intervening will stop evil intent on doing evil