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Power washers


Any good ones, any to stay away from?  I want it for cleaning my back porch, giving my camper a solid shot from time to time, and perhaps i can be motivated enough to wash our vehicles, well, at least the wheel wells.

Was thinking of just going to lowes, but then thought, who knows what they are selling as far as quality, with their run of the mill tools.

i was looking for a cheap one recently. I built a deck on my house from reclaimed wood... took a deck off someone else's house and made it fit mine, all the wood was at least 12 years old and nasty. I wanted to just powerwash it, the cheapest ones i could find were around $120 to$150, and didn't provide much for power.

I just opted for a good plastic bristle brush and scrubed the crap out of the deck, it worked.

Most of the low-end, electrical power washers are good for a couple years of light use.  I wouldn't count on much more beyond that. 

i don't mind spending a couple hundred + on one, just want one that will continue to do the job.


Lowe's best sellers!


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