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Evil Vapor


How many folks have switched off smoking, by sucking on vapor?

Well, thanks a lot.  In my strip mall, your patronage to such places, has sparked (pun intended) another vapor store to light up.  The vapor has permeated the whole building, their suite, and my two suites.

I do not really want to suck poison vapors, but depending on what direction the wind is blowing, I do.

Anyone good with a caulking gun, come on over, and help me seal up my suites.     

Caulking for No-charge Firearms Training.


NE Bull:
I feel ya. They finally added Vaping to the no tobacco in the building policy at work.
I understand the want to quit- kudos. But some of that stuff stanks after a while.
 (And the Long term effects are still not understood. )


--- Quote from: NE Bull on May 02, 2014, 06:46:54 PM ---I feel ya. They finally added Vaping to the no tobacco in the building policy at work.
I understand the want to quit- kudos. But some of that stuff stanks after a while.
 (And the Long term effects are still not understood. )

--- End quote ---

I am glad for you.   Seriously.    The stuff reeks.    My wife and I are caulking.    No easy job, in a business building designed to let air pass between suites.


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