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Murder Trivia

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What famous Singer, murdered her lover, (shot in the back, from a distance of 6 feet) in Aspen Colorado, was found guilty, paid a $250 fine, was sentenced to 30 days in jail, "at a time of her choosing", was allowed to paint her jail cell PINK, and ended up going on vacations, before serving less than two weeks in jail?

She was a regular on her husbands TV show in the 70's, and recorded 8 albums.   Her husband (recently an x husband before the murder) escorted her to and from the trial everyday, but she celebrated with her defense attorney in Mexico, and later married him, having more children (had three kids with the TV star). 

Hint, she preformed a song in a movie called The Party with Peter Sellers.   

She was smokin' hot too.


Claudine Longet??  (Andy Williams' recent ex at the time.)

If not, she had a very similar situation.

As well as Lana Turner w/Johnny Stompanato.  (Lana's daughter did the stabbing.)

Moral:  Don't get sideways w/a Lady Movie Star/Singer.


Yes, Claudine Longet.  There used to be several on line documentaries of her life, but because of her attorney husband, her life on the internet has been washed clean.    I tried to find one to watch today, and it is as if I dreamed the whole thing.  Only a few tabloid blogs mention her brush with the law, 

One of those cases, where might, made right.  The money behind her, over powered the prosecution.   She was high on Cocaine, they had argued, (the boy friend (famous ski bum) and he was throwing her and her kids out into the snow.   She got angry, and shot him in the back, and did not call for help, till he bled to death.

If memory serves me, she served six weekends in jail, not concurrently, and never reported back to jail, to finish out the remaining seven weekends.  She was so disruptive to the county jail system, they did not want her back.   The judge allowed her to get such a light sentence, because he felt she was no threat to the public.  Her soft singing voice, I guess. 

Andy Williams was one of the most influential entertainers of that era.  He preformed privately for Presidents and Kings of the world, as well as flooded American homes every week on TV.  His albums were constantly playing on the radio of the time.


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