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Nebraska Nice

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If they wanted the slogan to be accurate....

Nebraska, the tax-me state

NE Bull:
Nice Car?
Nice Gun?
Nice Arse?
Nice ??

If they mean Nice as in Kind, they have never tried to drive across Lincoln, especially on game day.  All for one, All for ME!


--- Quote ---
It took nine months of intense research, surveys, consultants, discussion, interviews, a branding company and a marketing firm,  and a price tag of $75,000.

--- End quote ---

Why the fuss, that's only $37,500 per word...      ::)


--- Quote from: thirtydaZe on May 08, 2014, 10:06:01 PM ---Who comes up with this stuff????

They should have left well enough alone.

--- End quote ---

Agreed. This is the result of the Nebraska Tourism Commission being spun off from the Department of Economic Development. They persuaded people, including almost the entire legislature, that the governor and the agency leadership were holding back their tourism promotion activities and that they needed more autonomy in spending state tourism dollars. They got their independent commission, and this is what they did with it.

Other options better than "Nice"
Nebraska low unemployment
Nebraska, we've got corn and cows
Nebraska, farmin'
Nebraska, we're rednecks, but at least we aren't Missouri
Nebraska, we have more people than South Dakota
Nebraska, I can see Iowa form my house (this one might not work for the entire state, but others could see South Dakota, Missouri, Colorado Kansas etc)
Nebraska, pleasant
Nebraksa, lots of rivers
Nebraska, Council Bluff is part of Iowa


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