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Information regarding Binary Explosives (Tannerite, etc)

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The Nebraska State Patrol recently send a letter to licensed firearms dealers with information regarding the state laws on the use of binary explosives.  Attached is a PDF file for the included information sheet.  If you use Tannerite or similar items you will want to read this.

on the fritz:
I wonder why it took so long for the state patrol to send this out? 

NE Bull:
My hopes is we can go the route of Kansas and get an 'open waiver' from the appropriate folks to bide us over until we can get something done thru the capital.

 The tannerite issue may have come up, because some NSP CHP NRA Instructor was placing pounds of the stuff under a Buick, and sending it 200 feet in the air.   He was blowing stuff up as part of intermission at gun safety classes.  I saw this instructor blow stuff up, in front of a Sargent of the NSP.    In fact, after I saw that, I stopped participating in his program, and went out on my own.   I used to RSO for him to gain experience.

Here is a video of such foolishness.

I ran onto this idiot below, because I purchased a glock cutaway from him on gunbroker.  (not the local instructor, but they must be brothers)

When you take something, designed to do one tiny safe thing, and use it to inflict this kind of damage, it is a natural outcome, that the feds, and the locals are going to get involved. 


--- Quote from: Gary on May 11, 2014, 08:33:02 PM --- The tannerite issue may have come up, because some NSP CHP NRA Instructor was placing pounds of the stuff under a Buick, and sending it 200 feet in the air. 
--- End quote ---

Wow.  The whole Buick went 200 feet up?  That's impressive. 

How many pounds did that take?  How could you tell it was 200 feet?


--- Quote ---Here is a video of such foolishness.

I ran onto this idiot below, because I purchased a glock cutaway from him on gunbroker.  (not the local instructor, but they must be brothers)

When you take something, designed to do one tiny safe thing, and use it to inflict this kind of damage, it is a natural outcome, that the feds, and the locals are going to get involved. 

--- End quote ---

Hm.  Let's see----obviously isolated private property, privately-owned vehicle, tannerite isn't dangerous until impacted, huge safety distance used, guy shown at end even seems to be wearing safety glasses....  Whether or not *I* personally would have done this, what about this is wrong OTHER than you don't happen to like it?    Or do you happen to know this is illegal where it occurred?


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