General Categories > General Firearm Discussion

Information regarding Binary Explosives (Tannerite, etc)

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ive got a feeling this is the state covering their butts
i'd wager 99% of the NSP wouldn't give 2 fliping flips if you used this stuff, but in the chance you do and you hurt yourself NSP is just trying to preempt and frivolous law suit that would come because a person didn't know they had to have a license from the state to use this stuff.

now if the state would even have any exposure is a different question, I'd say no, but we do have a lot of stupid people out there and stupid get get put on jurys

ie, you can sue and win for coffee being hot.



--- Quote from: jthhapkido on May 12, 2014, 09:02:12 AM ---Hm.  Let's see----obviously isolated private property, privately-owned vehicle, tannerite isn't dangerous until impacted, huge safety distance used, guy shown at end even seems to be wearing safety glasses....  Whether or not *I* personally would have done this, what about this is wrong OTHER than you don't happen to like it?    Or do you happen to know this is illegal where it occurred?

--- End quote ---

A a libertarian (no capital 'L'), I tend to agree.  (Strange, I know, for Thomas and I to agree on anything.)  There are plenty of other, far more actually and statistically dangerous, "legal" things done on public property every single day.


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