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Mother's Day Fail


So I get up on Mother's Day, knowing that it may be a difficult one for my wife due to her family's current drama and the fact that my wife wears her heart on her sleeve.

I wanted it to be a special, stress free day for her.  When I saw that the family issues were getting to her I made one helpful suggestion to get her mind off of the problems, and the whole day goes to hell. 

All I said was, "Maybe it would help take your mind off of things if you just spend a little more of your time cleaning the house".  One LITTLE helpful suggestion, and all of a sudden I am the bad guy.  I can't win.



On a related note, my wife and I spent much of the day cleaning and drying out our camper after being out camping in the downpour Sunday morning.  Her mind wasn't on any family drama at all.  Perhaps you could share that with your wife.  ;)


--- Quote from: OnTheFly on May 12, 2014, 01:26:03 PM ---So I get up on Mother's Day, knowing that it may be a difficult one for my wife due to her family's current drama and the fact that my wife wears her heart on her sleeve.

I wanted it to be a special, stress free day for her.  When I saw that the family issues were getting to her I made one helpful suggestion to get her mind off of the problems, and the whole day goes to hell. 

All I said was, "Maybe it would help take your mind off of things if you just spend a little more of your time cleaning the house".  One LITTLE helpful suggestion, and all of a sudden I am the bad guy.  I can't win.


--- End quote ---

The old saw, 'open mouth and insert foot' keeps popping into my mind for some reason :D


--- Quote from: OnTheFly on May 12, 2014, 01:26:03 PM ---So I get up on Mother's Day, knowing that it may be a difficult one for my wife due to her family's current drama and the fact that my wife wears her heart on her sleeve.

I wanted it to be a special, stress free day for her.  When I saw that the family issues were getting to her I made one helpful suggestion to get her mind off of the problems, and the whole day goes to hell. 

All I said was, "Maybe it would help take your mind off of things if you just spend a little more of your time cleaning the house".  One LITTLE helpful suggestion, and all of a sudden I am the bad guy.  I can't win.


--- End quote ---

  could this be why I have 2 ex wives? ( and a large gun collection?)

I do it all the time.... after three pregnancies I've just learned to say screw and apologize later.

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk


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