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Another Victory For Open Carry!

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--- Quote from: farmerbob on May 20, 2014, 03:16:25 PM ---I think if you can buy it, you should be able to carry it. The society we currently live in with recent events make carrying of long guns in public a taboo.

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It will stay taboo if nobody does it and pro2A folks don't support it. Glad that you realize that.

The only option for a Texan to legally carry a firearm without mommys written permission is to open carry a longarm.

This is so offensive to some supposed gun Rights supporters that they insist that some of their fellow Americans forego the ability to protect themselves or their families.

How dare you tell someone they have no Right to bear arms in the only legal way they can?

Not only that you call them names and mock them while paying lip service to the 2A.

"They must not exercise their Right to bear arms because it may be detrimental to me."

"If they can't conform to my definition of the 2A they should not be allowed to carry. Don't you see it is all about me and only me."

"If I don't like the way they are exercising my 2A Right I will draw on them."

If it were not for the in your face actions they would not have CCW in Ohio and some others states.

Texans have been trying to work within the system for years to no avail.

Of course everything is okay with the world as long as everyone conforms to your definition of the second amendment.

My understanding of Texas concealed carry rights from listening to Armed American Radio is they are better than Nebraska's.  I don't think Texas will ever have open carry with examples of what not to do like this. Nebraska's carry rights just took a hit because of this stunt. And it caused Bloomberg to have a wet dream. I guess we will just agree to disagree.

Hey I carry with mommies little permission.  I feel that might of been a insult to everyone with a chp.

Of course you know what the answer is. It's called constitutional carry.


--- Quote from: farmerbob on May 20, 2014, 02:03:00 PM ---I'm sorry but if I saw this where I was eating I would go to code red grab my family and try to make an exit and hopefully they wouldn't make a move forcing me to pull.

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Not sure what you mean by "go to code red" but my awareness level would certainly be elevated if someone walked into a restaurant with an AR or AK slung over their shoulder.  However, I wouldn't necessarily "grab my family and try to make an exit".  A major component of situational awareness is gauging behavior.  As an example, many IED's are detonated utilizing cell phones.  Does that mean one should go "code red" every time one sees a cell phone?  Of course not.

It is unfortunate that Chipotle has come out "... in support of the Second Amendment, BUT ...."  On the flip side, unless they install proper signage there is no reason to stop carrying if you decide to eat there.  If they install a defense-free zone sign, then I'll stop eating there as it will be far more dangerous than it was while the 2A open carry protesters were there with their AR's and AK's.


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