I've never found a pair of "shooting glasses" that fit over my street glasses that were satisfactory. In my ignorance, I thought my high powered prescription provided sufficient protection, i.e., my thick lenses were basically bulletproof.
Not so. After reading this article,
http://forums.1911forum.com/showthread.php?t=457764&highlight=range+incident, I realized I needed to rethink my position.
So I bought a pair of these babies:
http://www.amazon.com/Champion-Over-Spec-Ballistic-Glasses-Amber/dp/B007ZNTN7G/ref=pd_sim_sg_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=1VJJ17FPT98ZMZVMFWK7These make the military standard MIL-PRF-31013 Ballistic Resistance grade, which is pretty good. Better than the Z87 standard. They also come in clear.
So those of you who have the pleasure of shooting with me will get to see my new ultra-geek fashion statement. But since even my old, myopic, glaucoma riddled eyes are worth protecting, I won't mind my new enhanced geek status.
PS Yes, I know I can get prescription shooting glasses. Decot HyWyds etc. But to "keep it real" I believe I should shoot with my street glasses so I'm working with my "normal" vision. Progressive bifocals are a factor.

I.C.E. Suppressors may be in my future. I'm still researching. Meanwhile, the Champions will suffice.