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Author Topic: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers  (Read 5971 times)

Offline Gary

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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2014, 11:22:49 PM »
I have friends that are police officers.  I appreciate just how much stress it is to pull over a 22 year old car, with no tags,  with questionable folks at the wheel.     I have done ride alongs, I have shot with SWAT team leaders on police firing ranges.   Their job is never easy.  Many pay with an ultimate sacrifice.

Some facts about LEO's

On average, more than 65,000 law enforcement officers are assaulted each year and some 23,000 are injured annually.
 -The deadliest year in law enforcement history was 1974 when 268 officers were killed. The deadliest decade was the 1970's when a total of 2,182 officers died, or 218 each year. That figure has dropped dramatically in the 1990's to 152 per year.
 -A total of 1,533 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty during the last 10 years, an average of one death every 58 hours or 153 per year. There were 130 police deaths in 1999.
 -There are approximately 740,000 sworn law enforcement officers now serving in the United States. About 10 percent of them are female.



My class does not seek to lower the rights of the 2nd amendment.  Far from it.  However, I do teach, in all traffic stops, do whatever it takes to lower the stress level of LEO's on the scene.  It is in everyone's best interest.    Work with LEO's, not turn the traffic stop into a civics lesson. 

A traffic stop should be like a pit stop at the Daytona 500,.  Quick and easy.   It is dangerous for everyone, to be stopped along side the road while traffic is going by, and it is best to yes sir, no sir, and get it over with. 
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 11:39:50 PM by Gary »

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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2014, 11:26:23 PM »
Welcome to the state.

Whatever sticker you have on your vehicle, Gary's trumps it. You have to see it to believe it.
Or you could just compare signature lines.

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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2014, 11:31:09 PM »
Welcome to the state.

Whatever sticker you have on your vehicle, Gary's trumps it. You have to see it to believe it.

I rarely drive through traffic with this displayed.  I try to drive under the radar a little better than that.  However, my version of this bumper sticker, covers my tailgate on my F-550 Ford.   Yep, 4 feet long!

I most often drive around town, with my tailgate down.   I do display it in front of my shop sometimes.  Brings a chuckle to students.   The wording is rather fitting for a large truck.

Offline Lmbass14

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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2014, 08:04:11 AM »
Alright folks...  I'm new to this State, but I've decided to call it "home".  (I moved here recently from Louisiana).  Nebraska is a lovely State that has won my heart.   

With that being said, I must say:  I am absolutely shocked about the gun laws here.   :o(In a negative way).  I'm use to carrying my Beretta or Glock in my car without the need for a CHP, and Open Carrying without anyone batting an eye unless I walk into a store, or restaurant.  If I got pulled over, (only happened once when a tail light went out), I would politely say the following with my hands on the upper left hand side of the steering wheel: "Sir, for your protection and mine, I have a loaded firearm in my vehicle that I would like to make you aware of at this time."  -And THAT WAS THAT.  No uneasiness by the LEO because he understands the State Laws.  He runs a quick check on me with dispatch, and we are off on our merry way.   ;D 

This is going to take some getting use to.  (The Nebraska State Laws).   The only reason why I never got a CHP in Louisiana is because I always saw it as a ludicrous money-making opportunity for certain individuals in the local gun community; indeed, they often were against any moves by State Legislators towards a Constitutional Carry because it would infringe on their "honey pot". 

Is there any legislation currently in the works in Nebraska's Unicameral towards a Constitutional Carry?!?  And if not, is there anyone running for office who would push for it?  (They'd win my Vote).

Not trying to turn Nebraska into Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, or Wyoming....  but I saw the slippery slope that Colorado, (where I'm originally from), went down during the original Bush Sr./Clintonista AWB through the current 2013 High-cap Ban on Mags Law.  Nebraska being a Rural-oriented, Red State, there shouldn't be this murky gun laws like I'm seeing.

Someone, please educate me.

Blake, why on God's green earth would you move to this God forsaken state?  We're in the top 10 most taxed state in the Union, and in Lincoln you can't carry a knife that has a 3" (I think) blade.  Don't know about Lincoln, but in Omaha (which includes Millard and Elkhorn) and you don't have a CCW, you are SUPPOSE to register your firearms with the OPD.  Which you know is one step closer to confiscation.

Why do I live here you may wonder?  Taking care of old family members.  As much as I dislike this state, family comes first.

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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2014, 02:33:48 PM »
Blake, why on God's green earth would you move to this God forsaken state?  We're in the top 10 most taxed state in the Union, and in Lincoln you can't carry a knife that has a 3" (I think) blade. 

3.5", not 3.0".  Just to nitpick.

That being said, I wouldn't equate Lincoln to Boulder and Omaha to Colorado Springs.  Lincoln doesn't have that "I'm SO open-minded my brain has fallen out" vibe that Boulder does.  And large sections of Lincoln have common-sense.  They just are in the minority, though at least it isn't a small minority.

Omaha, on the other hand, is a place that loves it when the government takes charge and handles everything, and no one else should even attempt to do so.

That's over-stating the case, but by less than you'd think.  :(

I'll note:  I like Nebraska a lot, myself.  And yes, people are working toward constitutional carry.  It is just going to take awhile----but considering how we've gotten this far (from where we started) we are doing it, step by step.
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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2014, 02:55:36 PM »
----but considering how we've gotten this far (from where we started) we are doing it, step by step.

For those of us that have been there or nearly so from the begining (of the NFOA) it is truley amazing what has been done. I never would have believed it was possible. The momentum can only be maintained by keeping their (Unicameral) feet to the fire.

Thanks for the reminder JT!
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Offline Joe58

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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2014, 03:34:27 PM »
I'm really interested in this topic. When I took my CHP class, I kinda argued a bit with the instructor on this one cause it just seems so ridiculous.

Not trying be be snarky here, just looking to follow their logic. To me, it seems to be the exact situation if I have four handguns in a black range bag (that just looks like a gym bag) on the back seat. I drive over to my buddies house to pick him up to go out to the range. He's a non-CHP guy.

On the way, I get stopped at a safety check, speeding, whatever. Being the good CHP holder, I mention these pistols to the officer

By their logic then, the officer could then charge my friend with concealed weapons. I really can't fathom that. So this means I cannot carry weapons in my vehicle with non-CHP holders? I drive a Dakota and I'm not going to put them in the bed. They have be be in the cab.

But if I had them out in plain sight laying on the seats we're ok? So they rather have weapons out bouncing around the vehicle rather than properly stowed?

I just think it'd be a real *expletive* of a officer to hassle people on this. Of course, assuming you're passing the attitude test to begin with.

I really think I'd have to go to a jury. I can't believe that 12 people with any common sense would uphold this.

Sorry for ranting on this....it just seems so stupid.


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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2014, 05:25:28 PM »
I think many people are over thinking this.  I have asked law enforcement (mainly deputy sheriff's) about this and they say no problem.  They understand going to the range, they understand that the person in the seat next to you doesn't have a sidearm on in an IWB under his shirt.  They understand that the weapons in the range bag are (must be-remember the range Nazis stating that the weapon has to be safe at all times it is not on your belt-in previous threads) unloaded.

Usually where the problem starts is when someone starts telling the officer that they can do whatever they want because of the 2A and everything goes downhill from there.

Use common sense, don't speed (why is it alright to break one law and not another?), treat everyone as you want to be treated.

Offline Joe58

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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2014, 08:59:54 PM »
I think many people are over thinking this.  I have asked law enforcement (mainly deputy sheriff's) about this and they say no problem.  They understand going to the range, they understand that the person in the seat next to you doesn't have a sidearm on in an IWB under his shirt.  They understand that the weapons in the range bag are (must be-remember the range Nazis stating that the weapon has to be safe at all times it is not on your belt-in previous threads) unloaded.

Usually where the problem starts is when someone starts telling the officer that they can do whatever they want because of the 2A and everything goes downhill from there.

Use common sense, don't speed (why is it alright to break one law and not another?), treat everyone as you want to be treated.

I agree with you 100% on that. I guess my question is, is this the way the law actually is?

That's the part I fund so ludicrous. That our lawmakers which are supposed to be intelligent thinking individuals would go along with something worded this way.

I'm rather late to the party here for CCW as I've always lived out in rural areas where we really don't get much hassle from law enforcement as long as you aren't being a dumb ass. I really haven't concerned myself with what is going in at the state level. My mistake obviously. But I should have known that lack of common sense isn't just limited to Washington.

I guess I just find it amazing. Anyway, as you suggested, I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing for over 50 years. :)

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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #29 on: June 27, 2014, 09:12:13 PM »
I'm really interested in this topic. When I took my CHP class, I kinda argued a bit with the instructor on this one cause it just seems so ridiculous.

Not trying be be snarky here, just looking to follow their logic. To me, it seems to be the exact situation if I have four handguns in a black range bag (that just looks like a gym bag) on the back seat. I drive over to my buddies house to pick him up to go out to the range. He's a non-CHP guy.

On the way, I get stopped at a safety check, speeding, whatever. Being the good CHP holder, I mention these pistols to the officer

By their logic then, the officer could then charge my friend with concealed weapons. I really can't fathom that. So this means I cannot carry weapons in my vehicle with non-CHP holders? I drive a Dakota and I'm not going to put them in the bed. They have be be in the cab.

But if I had them out in plain sight laying on the seats we're ok? So they rather have weapons out bouncing around the vehicle rather than properly stowed?

I just think it'd be a real *expletive* of a officer to hassle people on this. Of course, assuming you're passing the attitude test to begin with.

I really think I'd have to go to a jury. I can't believe that 12 people with any common sense would uphold this.

Sorry for ranting on this....it just seems so stupid.

That exact scenario happened to me about 2 years ago in Papillion on the way to the Bullet Hole.  This was before I had my CHP, so didn't even know it was an issue.  My buddy told him about the guns in the bag on the back seat in the cab and that was the end of it.  He didn't even get a ticket.

Knowing what I know now, I could have been charged.  I'm not sure there would have been any public purpose served by doing so. 

It may have been mentioned already in this thread, but the purpose behind it was to eliminate a situation where a car full of gang bangers and felons has a weapon hidden in the console or under a seat and the one guy without a record is in the back seat with a CHP claiming it's his.  Not sure if that was actually ever a problem, but that's the legislature's reasoning, as it was explained to me.

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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2014, 09:27:17 AM »
our lawmakers which are supposed to be intelligent thinking individuals

Joe58....therein lies the problem.  It is presumed that "elected officials" have a modicum of intelligence (except of course Rod Moeller when he is elected)

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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2014, 12:39:34 PM »
Is the gun loaded?

That is an important question when discussing this section of the law.   If you are going to the range do you have an unloaded gun in a range bag or case and ammunition in a box.   That is a very different scenario (and not where this law would be applied) than having a loaded gun in your glove box or center console.

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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2014, 12:57:40 PM »
(except of course Rod Moeller when he is elected)

I haven't seen his name on a ballot.   I'm not sure how smart he is, but maybe smart enough not to run for office?   ;)

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Re: Carry in vehicle with non CHP-passengers
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2014, 08:10:59 PM »
Write In Canidate!....Rod Moeller aka the best choice for district 12!  I'm gonna start knocking on doors!

What if we had 3 or 4 legitimate NFOA members in the 49 seat unicameral?  Get them in the judiciary committee & we would be passing bills like Georgia & Kansas! 
The 2nd Amendment is not open for debate!

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