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Author Topic: First time shooting new Rem 700  (Read 4727 times)

Offline landon410

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First time shooting new Rem 700
« on: June 19, 2014, 08:21:46 AM »
shot my remington 700 sps tactical yesterday evening for the first time, believe it or not this is actually the first bolt gun I've owned. Put the redfield revolution I had on my 338mx, which was then moved to AR and now the 700, and put my cheapo UTG bipod off my AR on it and went to a friends farm to shoot.

used 150gr Remington UMC ammo because its what was cheap and available.
after sighting in for a bit shot this 3 shot group, its not amazing, but I think with decent ammo, and working the stock off the barrel, or replacing stock (which is the goal) that I can tighten them up a lot more.

Goal was 2 inches high, I'm having problems shooting prone, I always feel like I'm forcing the rifle the last inch onto target, not sure if that makes sense. I think this makes me pull or push a shot much more often.

the very bottom shot was the first shot out of this rifle with the scope sighted in for my AR, was really low so it didn't just get click click clicked up, it got straight up turned, then walked it down then walked down.

any advice on correct way to lay prone / natural point of aim etc would be accepted
« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 08:28:01 AM by landon410 »

Offline bkoenig

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Re: First time shooting new Rem 700
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2014, 08:53:44 AM »
I always feel like I'm forcing the rifle the last inch onto target, not sure if that makes sense. I think this makes me pull or push a shot much more often.

Not having a good natural point of aim is going to really be a disadvantage.  It's something you need to just practice until it's instinct.  You can practice it at home easily.

Get into a good shooting position, get your sights on the target, then close your eyes and take a breath in & out.  Open your eyes and see if your sights are still on the target.  If not, repeat until they stay there.

You always want to support the rifle with bone, not muscle.  If the point of aim is too high, you scoot forward while leaving the rifle/bipod in the same place.  This will bring your muzzle down.  If you have a rear bag supporting the stock, give it a little squeeze to raise the rear of the rifle.  If you're muscling the rifle onto the target your first shot might be ok, but then your group will open up.

If you get a chance I highly recommend going to an Appleseed clinic.  They spend a LOT of time going over NPOA.

Offline Mudinyeri

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Re: First time shooting new Rem 700
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2014, 10:42:41 AM »
^All good stuff.

In addition, the Hogue stock probably doesn't support your head properly.  I know mine didn't.  If you're craning your neck to line up with the scope, you're going to have a hard time shooting.  You should be able to just rest your cheek on the stock, completely relaxed and get the right eye relief and eye alignment with the scope.

My redneck solution was to cut some pieces out of an old Yoga mat of my wife's and then wrap some camo gun wrap around them like so ...

Do you have a rear bag for your buttstock?  If not, you can make one from an old sock and some polymer pellets from a hobby store.  Your finished product will come out looking like this ...

I like smaller beads (3-4mm) or you can use Airsoft pellets. 
« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 10:48:59 AM by Mudinyeri »

Offline landon410

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Re: First time shooting new Rem 700
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2014, 12:49:04 PM »
it just kills me how much they charge for camo coban, I used that stuff ALL THE TIME when I worked in the ER. Should have grabbed me a box of black before I left.....

a cheek riser of some sort would be a good idea and I was not using a rear bag.
I'll give thoes things a try.

Offline Mudinyeri

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Re: First time shooting new Rem 700
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2014, 01:08:01 PM »
it just kills me how much they charge for camo coban, I used that stuff ALL THE TIME when I worked in the ER. Should have grabbed me a box of black before I left.....

Here's the stuff that I used.  It's $12.00/roll.  I like it because it clings to itself rather than leaving a sticky residue all over your gun.


Offline landon410

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Re: First time shooting new Rem 700
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2014, 01:30:27 PM »
yea, its coban, I used it a lot when working as a paramedic. great for dressing wounds, no tape on skin or hair, holds in weird positions etc.

you can get it cheaper if you go the medical route


might not have exact color you want, but same thing