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MUD (and other utility companies) advertising

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Let me start with saying: I know this isn't firearms related.

Why do MUD and other utility companies in Nebraska advertise? These are all state/end user owned companies with no competition. All the money they spend on advertising could instead be going to infrastructure improvements or lower of rates.

What are your opinions on this, and should we push for legislation to end this wasteful government spending?

Please be quiet, pick up your plastic cup, and drink your Kool-Aid.  You know better than ask such controversial questions.  Now be a good little conservative and go away.

This needs to go in the non-gun stuff area, but you are absolutely right.  It is almost as irritating as the USDA running ads for their new debit cards replacing food stamps:  Now you can rape the tax-payers behind you in line and the ones in front of you, the ones the other lines, and, well, pretty much ALL of them) at the grocery store with out all the embarrassment of actually using paper food stamps- just swipe that card like you actually paid for it yourself, with your own debit card...... only you didn't!   No shame anymore, and THAT is a shame!

Indeed schlumper, you know the only way to cut the budget is to pull firefighters off of trucks and cut the police department budget. The only steps that can be taken after those are releasing criminals from jail, firing teachers and cutting state government hours/forced furloughs.

Wesley D:
The advertising isn't for marketing, it's for public relations.  Though that doesn't make it okay.  We've got the same deal here in my backyard with Denver Water.  You can't get your water from anyone else (water rights are separate from real estate property rights in CO), yet they spend money on billboards, commercials, a running toliet mascot that terrorizes kids in parks (for serious), "free" yard signs, "free" grocery bags, and "free" tshirts.  Don't let me catch any of you Huskers ordering one of those freebies on my dime!  :P


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