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This is an amazing series of pics from WW2 in Normandy...then and now...

Those pictures are cool!  I will have to show my son. :o

Ram Ringer:
THose were great thanks, whats sad is that that was probably the last time Americans were truly welcome there especially American Military personell

Great stuff!

When I was stationed in Germany (87-89), I visited St. Mer-Eglise,  and walked the entire length of Utah and part of Omaha beaches....... met a very old Frenchman who did his best to tell me his story...... he gave me a ride out to the beach from St. Mer-Eglise......  there were white markers (just markers, not graves) everywhere where or guys had fallen..... names, hometowns and dates. 

At that time, GI's were not popular in Paris..... but in St. Mer-Eglise, we were still "Amis" ......


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