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Just A Bear With A Milk Can On Its Head


Happy ending


That was a very nice bear rescue.   But entirely without any kind of personal touch.  Sorta mechanical in its performance.

There are any number of NFOA Forum members who would have just pulled the milk can off the bear's head manually.   By their own Human Hands.  Gary woulda done it if he'da been there.

And spared all that corn that got mashed.  Nebraskans respect corn.


It would take someone with large gonads to walk up to an adult bear in a predicament like that.  Yes, his teeth are in the can, and once the can is off, he will more than likely run off, but his claws are not in the can.  One would very likely get seriously hurt trying that rescue attempt bare handed. 

I think you could walk a fence post and fence post driver out to the bear, and chain the milk container to the fence post.  I think the bear might of been able to remove it himself, if the milk can were fastened to something.

A vet with a dart gun world be the prudent solution.  (but I might try the fence post first)


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