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What do you think is Constitutional?

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"In states that have registration a felon can not be charged with failing to register a firearm because it they tried to they would be incriminating themselves. What good does registration do if only lawful citizen can be charged with failure to?
True, there are members of society that have no business being around firearms and we all know some that have never been in trouble a day in their life."

This I didn't know, its almost as if it was written with this in mind, to only affect law abiding citizens and to allow the dependant class to continue to do what they want.


--- Quote from: landon410 on July 11, 2014, 10:22:15 AM ---This I didn't know, its almost as if it was written with this in mind, to only affect law abiding citizens and to allow the dependant class to continue to do what they want.
--- End quote ---

The law provides that you can not be compelled to give evidence against yourself. A felon in possession of a firearm can be charged with such if he is caught with it, but he can not be convicted of possession of an unregistered firearm. If he tried to register it he would be giving evidence against himself.

I do know of some instances where a felon was initially charged with possession of an unregistered firearm, but I know of no felon that has ever been convicted on that charge.

As with most gun control laws the only ones they apply  to and the only ones that will grudgingly obey them are the law-abiding citizens.

Yes, there are some hold hands kumbya singers that believe the world would be a garden of Eden if all weapons were banned. These are the useful idiots of the power elite that want all guns controlled so that they can exercise unfettered power over the population they seek to dominate.

As firearms owners any concession we make enables the power elite to take even more.


Uhh.. I think the question was "What is Constitutional?" not, "How do you think the world should be?"

It's black and white. Shall NOT be infringed.

I don't care if you don't like it. That's what is says, that's what it means.

You got a problem with that? Change it.


--- Quote from: justsomeguy on July 13, 2014, 12:05:35 AM ---It's black and white. Shall NOT be infringed.
--- End quote ---
Unfortunately the world is not black and white.  It just isn't, and believing otherwise is not rational. 

Neither is the subject of ownership by a prohibited person, there are states and places where this is a grey area and the 2nd Amendment (much as I love and adore both it and the folks who wrote it) is more than a little ambiguous when viewed from certain perspectives.  Not that your understand is lacking, but it’s obvious that other people have different opinions from their own perspectives.  If this were not true then there would be no need for this forum, the NRA, the SAF, or any of the other pro 2A organizations in our country.

Another way of looking at this is if the individual is the one making the decision to knowingly break the law then they are also the one making the decision to permanently curtail some of their own rights.  The Bill of Rights is about restricting what government can do, not about what citizens can do to themselves. 

By breaking the law in a fashion that allows for a felony charge could it not be argued that the individual is tacitly giving the government permission to curtail one’s personal freedoms?  I am no lawyer, but it seems to me that breaking the law opens the door for the government to enter/control certain areas of our lives or impose consequences for the decisions we make that the citizenry says are unacceptable.  One of those consequences currently is a permanent ban on the ownership of a firearm by a felon.   


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