General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

You see a vehicle with a dog in the car, windows up or even a little crack.


grumpy old man:
what do you do?  I was conflicted.  I wanted to break the glass and free the dog but I was carrying concealed (legally) and was afraid of what that might entail.  Would or could i be charged for destruction of private property?  I decided to call the local police and they said it would be 30 minutes before they could get there.  By then the dog could be dead or the driver might have come back and left by then.  I decided to use my cell phone to take a video of the license plate number and video of the dog in the enclosed car.  I then took it to the police and emailed them a copy for evidence.  The police did not get there in time as expected the owner must of came back and left.  What should a person do in this instance?

I think you handled it the right way.  Breaking the window would have put you on the hook for possible criminal charges.

Was this today?  What was the high, 71?

Im a dog owner, in fact i feel more sorry for animals than humans, and we treat our dog as a member of the family as opposed to a dog, but in these dog cases i vote for the mind your own business option.

No one loves a world saver.

A few weeks ago it was fairly hot & I was doing an electrical service call at the largest gym in Omaha....walking through the parking lot I noticed a bmw running with no one in it, then I noticed 2 little yippy dogs barking at me as I got closer. 

The owner of the vehicle was inside for at least 45 minutes & they must have left the AC on for the dogs.  Wow! I told the maintenance guy there & he decided to page the owner to no avail. I didn't think the dogs were in physical danger, I was just amazed at what rich people think is a.ok.....

Regardless of whether you're carrying, if you break someone's car window, you're in trouble.  If you break into the car and take the animal, you're in even more trouble.  It's not your job to determine the safety of an animal.  Either call it I to the people who have the job or mind your own business.


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