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Can you drive on Hwy 2?

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The last time I drove hwy 2 south of Lincoln was about 14 years ago when it was fairly new (4 lane) and driving it would literally bounce your guts out. I will be going to Kansas City soon and pulling a trailer. Have they fixed it or should I go through Omaha?

The road is fine.

They even done striped the road and got them fancy doo dads that light it up as you comin' back into Lincoln at night..... 

Watch for NSP heading into Nebraska City....

I'm going to go through Omaha. The memory is just too horrific to take the chance.  :D


--- Quote from: bullit on July 15, 2014, 12:58:30 PM ---They even done striped the road and got them fancy doo dads that light it up as you comin' back into Lincoln at night..... 

Watch for NSP heading into Nebraska City....

--- End quote ---

I second that warning. I got to make an unexpected donation to the government at the end of last year for getting a little too free with the accelerator around there.


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