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Cheap tripod

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im looking for a cheap tripod to keep my e-caller out of the weeds and keep it out of the mud/snow.  i don't want to spend too much, cheaper and smaller the better.  any ideas?

Ebay $10 bucks free shipping!

Jul 16 Camera Tripod $12 (Blair, NE) pic map photo/video - by dealer

Craigslist Omaha

Camera tripods are also great as lightweight, portable rifle rests during summer prairie dog shooting.   Saves putting those long, deep grooves in the sheet metal on the roof of your truck.

Never mind how I know.


You mean you don't call from your truck? What kind of redneck are you?

that ebay tripod is too large.  im looking for something maybe 12 inches high.  i had one with a Barska spotting scope, but gave it away with the scope.  and i hate ebay b/c they are anti gun, same goes with amazon.  ill have to check out that craigslist one.


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