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Cheap tripod

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--- Quote ---What kind of redneck are you?
--- End quote ---

Been hidin' it.   Didn't think it showed all that much.  Outed now.   Like your lederhosen.

But it hain't actual Redneck.  It's real, down-to earth, down-home Hillbilly.   [Which is related to but different from Redneck, as a German Shorthaired Pointer is NOT the same as a German Wirehaired Pointer.]   You get the idea.............

Pure Reynolds County, Missouri Hillbilly.   Mother's side.   Deep Hillbilly.   Cain't get no better ner up higher on the Hillbilly Pedigree Scale.   Kinda elite, actually.   For a Hillbilly, that is.

Now.....about that tripod..........


I've got a couple of them that came with spotting scopes.  You're welcome to one of them.


--- Quote from: Ivars on July 17, 2014, 01:18:16 PM ---I've got a couple of them that came with spotting scopes.  You're welcome to one of them.

--- End quote ---

why thank. you.  PM incoming.

I got my tripod....a HUGE thanks to Ivars!


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