We shot the heck out of three different .22 rimfires this weekend: a Ruger SR-22, Ruger Bearcat, and a Savage Mark 1 single shot rifle. All are relatively new and had a few hundred rounds down the barrels previously, but nothing like this weekend's quantity.
As new-ish guns I wanted to put them through their paces with a big variety of loads to see what they liked best, and in the case of the Savage, to sight it in for the first time at longer range of 75-100 yds. We went though many, many, MANY hundreds of rounds of various .22lr: high, standard and hyper velocity, plated and unplated, expensive stuff and cheapie bulk pack, clean burning and dirty burning.
All of these guns been treated with "Froglube" paste that I got from Amazon as soon as I bought them. Let me tell 'ya... when I went to clean these things, my admiration for Froglube grew even greater. All the sooty residue just wiped off. And the barrels were unbelievable; just a couple passes with a patch and they were as clean as a whistle.
No affiliation with the company. Just really, really impressed. Been cleaning guns for a long time and just was very surprised that the cleanup was that easy after firing that much .22.