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Author Topic: A new study release yesterday proves Conceal and Carry works.  (Read 2062 times)

Offline grumpy old man

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A new study release yesterday proves Conceal and Carry works.
« on: August 05, 2014, 05:04:14 PM »
A study just released yesterday shows proof that states that allow conceal and carry on college campuses works.  It also shows the students that do conceal and carry are less likely to get into trouble.  Help me get the state of Nebraska to allow college student to defend themselves on college campuses and all of us the right to carry everywhere without limits.  Get the full story here and remember to subscribe to the facebook page.      https://www.facebook.com/Nebraskansforconcealandcarryeverywhere?ref=br_tf
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Re: A new study release yesterday proves Conceal and Carry works.
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2014, 05:45:26 PM »
Here's the paper:  http://crimepreventionresearchcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Concealed-Carry-Revocation-rates-by-age.pdf

To call it short is an understatement.  It would be interesting to see an excel file of the data and really analyze it.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 05:47:37 PM by feralcatkillr »
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Re: A new study release yesterday proves Conceal and Carry works.
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2014, 07:16:32 PM »
Some good data reaffirming, crime is committed by criminals and the law bidding obey the law, of course anti-gunners can twist it to make it seem like the reverse is true.
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Offline Cdog

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Re: A new study release yesterday proves Conceal and Carry works.
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2014, 08:10:09 PM »
Unfortunately, the CPRC's credibility has been called into question so often and so vehemently by various media and liberal groups that the studies they put out are generally seen as little more than right-wing propaganda preaching to the choir. Never mind that they have facts and statistics, the PR campaign has little to do with those (sadly). What we need is a report like this coming directly from the FBI or some other law enforcement agency for it to have real impact on policy.

Offline grumpy old man

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Re: A new study release yesterday proves Conceal and Carry works.
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2014, 08:36:37 PM »
Unfortunately, the CPRC's credibility has been called into question so often and so vehemently by various media and liberal groups that the studies they put out are generally seen as little more than right-wing propaganda preaching to the choir. Never mind that they have facts and statistics, the PR campaign has little to do with those (sadly). What we need is a report like this coming directly from the FBI or some other law enforcement agency for it to have real impact on policy.

Help my stupidity  but just because the liberal media calls them right wing propaganda does that mean they are giving out wrong or false data?   I guess I am confused.  Have they ever been proven to lie in a study?  The left doesn't like Rush or Hannity but does that mean they are irrelevant?  thanks for your input.
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Re: A new study release yesterday proves Conceal and Carry works.
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2014, 09:18:38 PM »
Well, it was not my intent to call anyone's intelligence into question, nor was it to call into question the CPRC's document or research - in fact, if you read my post carefully, you will note that I never said that they were putting out incorrect data, and that I am disappointed that the research that they do is cast in a bad light. My point leaned more toward the reality of how their work is perceived and presented by the media and the left. Maybe if I reword:

While I applaud the CPRC's research and attempt to get the facts out there, there is quite a bit of backlash from the media and liberal groups against CPRC which paints their research in an unflattering light; in short, while they have the facts, they are losing the PR war. For the most part, their findings are all too often considered right-wing conservatives speaking to like-mined conservatives, which has little effect on policy. The fact of the matter is that the same research put out by any group outside of a government law enforcement agency - such as the FBI - will be put into a partisan pigeonhole.

What we need is exactly that - the same data put out by the FBI or other law enforcement agency, something that policymakers can fall back on without having to worry about backlash from any constituency for the research that they based their ideas on. While the CPRC and others like them keep on trying (and good for them!), I'm worried that they are not having the national impact that they should.

Hope that explains my position better.

Offline grumpy old man

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Re: A new study release yesterday proves Conceal and Carry works.
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2014, 09:56:37 PM »
Well, it was not my intent to call anyone's intelligence into question, nor was it to call into question the CPRC's document or research - in fact, if you read my post carefully, you will note that I never said that they were putting out incorrect data, and that I am disappointed that the research that they do is cast in a bad light. My point leaned more toward the reality of how their work is perceived and presented by the media and the left. Maybe if I reword:

While I applaud the CPRC's research and attempt to get the facts out there, there is quite a bit of backlash from the media and liberal groups against CPRC which paints their research in an unflattering light; in short, while they have the facts, they are losing the PR war. For the most part, their findings are all too often considered right-wing conservatives speaking to like-mined conservatives, which has little effect on policy. The fact of the matter is that the same research put out by any group outside of a government law enforcement agency - such as the FBI - will be put into a partisan pigeonhole.

What we need is exactly that - the same data put out by the FBI or other law enforcement agency, something that policymakers can fall back on without having to worry about backlash from any constituency for the research that they based their ideas on. While the CPRC and others like them keep on trying (and good for them!), I'm worried that they are not having the national impact that they should.

Hope that explains my position better.

I did not take your original reply as an attack and i hope you didnt take mine that way either.  I was very interested in your thoughts on the people who did the study.  I did not know anything about them being attacked.  It was good to read your thoughts.  I am very grateful for your reply and all the info I get.  God Bless

« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 10:01:25 PM by brandonhein »
"One man with courage is a majority." Thomas Jefferson

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Re: A new study release yesterday proves Conceal and Carry works.
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2014, 10:21:03 PM »
No worries, I took your questions as asking for clarification, certainly not as an attack, and as I have been told that I can be difficult to understand my reply was an attempt to clarify.

This is the second CPRC report I've read in the forum (I'm sure there are more), and I find them very informative. It is an old habit of mine to look at not only the data but at the authors of any report or story, and there is plenty out there about CPRC being bashed. In no way did I mean to imply that their reports shouldn't be shared. Much of my original post came from frustration with the spin-doctors on the left tagging everything that is not put out by them as wrong. That's no reason to stop putting the truth out there.