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Motorcycle Riding NFOA Members

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I realize that he's asking over book.  He buys and sells bikes.  Not looking to trade it for a new bike.

Not sure what you mean by "real" riders, 66bigblock.  Maybe I'm not a "real" rider since I haven't ridden in about 30 years.  I'm also looking at a Triumph Bonneville.  Do "real" riders ride those?

Mentioning that ape hangers aren't particularly comfortable, on the other hand, is valuable information.  Thanks, landon410.

Bonnies are still around, its just a matter of preference.

Hangars at the right height are okay, but some people think 18 inches is the right height, and it's not.

barmandr hit the nail on the head. there are many, many options available that have not been dropped, and are a better value than that Harley. Unless you WANT a Harley.

something else to think about, if you're just going to use it to piss around town and short rides and if you're not a very big guy a 1200 sportster isn't a terrible choice either.

I'm 6'4 225 and ran one all over Omaha to Norfolk and back a couple times and just all around the interstate just for the hell of it and it has plenty of power

about time I got to Wisner on 275 I wasn't very comfortable anymore but again I had no windshield and didn't have a comfortable seat, but powerwise no problem.

I'd all together avoid an 883 though, they are wanting for power bad once you get past 60. My only experience with an 883 was riding a friend when we switched bikes for ride to fremont and back.

Triumph is a good choice though, I really dig the Thruxtons

I think with motorcycles as it is with guns, find one, ride it compare it to others and pick whats most comfortable and fits your needs most.

Only beef I have with the Thruxton is the seat. Or lack thereof. Other than that, give to me...:)


--- Quote from: Mudinyeri on July 30, 2014, 11:45:52 AM ---

Mentioning that ape hangers aren't particularly comfortable, on the other hand, is valuable information.  Thanks, landon410.

--- End quote ---

By "real riders" I meant someone that wants to actually get out and ride and put on some miles.  Not just take it two miles to the local bar and get a front row parking spot. 

Landon410 said what I meant, just more direct :)



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