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club I.D. card

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I could write up a PHP script to spit out a PDF ID card numbered on something like the forum user ID.

Could probably include the avatar and stuff too, but don't know how much flexibility PHP has in generating PDFs.

"I could write up a PHP script to spit out a PDF ID card numbered on something like the forum user ID."

Huh ?????


--- Quote from: bullit on October 08, 2009, 08:43:41 PM ---
Huh ?????

--- End quote ---

It's web developer speak.   Read it as "I might be able to make this happen, I will look into it."

Intentions. Do we have a volunteer to get this done? How about the OP?

Oh, crap!  I just missed a ID card maker on my company's silent auction.  That would have been very useful. I think it only brought around 20 bucks.  I think it could be a good idea because we could get some of the businesses to give a discount for being a member of NFOA.  They support us we support them?


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