Ammunition & Hand Loading > Cartridge and Shotshell reloading
What is going on here....
Chris C:
I have around 150 .308 once shot by me brass I'm processing. This has a military crimp and IS NOT berdan primer or steel case. Ran through about half perfectly fine and the pins start bending. Second one bent after doing about 5 cases. What is the deal? My last problem where I bent one of these unbreakable pins was trying to deprime brass berdan primer cases. Not the case this time.
those things break all the time, I started making my own, sometimes the hole is off center and you hit the edge
Chris C:
No kidding. That's a little bit of false advertising on Lee's part then. The hole being off center would explain the marks on the inside of the case. I'm going to email Lee again for replacements but this time ask for about 10. Is there a better stronger decapper out there?
I use a piece of drill rod, for the shaft, and a small piece of bearing for the pin, still break them
also make sure the top is tight, if its not, the rod can be off center,
and check your shell holder, Ive had a little dirt get into that, and make the case be off center
you cant go real fast using this,
Chris C:
Thanks for the tips. I'm going to try and make something myself for now like you did.
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