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Should I fix this truck?

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92 Dakota 2WD.  Texting idiot hit me last fall.  100k miles 318 V8, ran great.  Stretched the frame back out with three massive forklifts from work, lol redneck, and eyeballed the front horns in place.
Fix it, scrap it, make a trailer, sell the engine/tires?  All suggestions welcome.

Was it covered by insurance?  To be honest, unless there is some sentimental attachment to it, the repairs are going to be more than the value of the vehicle.  NADA lists values at...

Low Retail  1750        Average Retail  3725        High Retail   $5,375

I would call what you have as a total loss.  Sell it for scrap.

You sell it for scrap let me know. My dad has a 92 and could probably use a spare parts rig.

Buying a Truck One-Part-at-a-Time is Pricey.

You'll need a hood, left fender, left front door, bumper, grill, some lights, wiring harnesses (no doubt), radiator, maybe A/C condenser, and a few boxes of small parts, fasteners, cross braces, and assorted other stuff sorta on and on and on.

Plus Labor.   And Time.   Time without a truck.   Plus alignment.   Maybe struts/shocks, whatever's under there.   Rotor & brake.

Plus a million trips to the Parts Department, such that you closely bond w/Parts Guy on first name basis.

Plus all the stuff that will turn up as problems after you put the parts back on and start driving it again.  Like alignment didn't work; need tires now.    Plus all the stuff that goes wrong on a 22-year old truck, even including one with only 100K miles on the odo.

Selling to a truck boneyard seems like a very workable option in this case.

Surely there was some kind of insurance settlement somewhere in this wreck.  So then you get to get a Buddy and go shopping for a New(er) Truck.  That's fun right there.

FWIW, since you asked.


Money wise, its not even close to worth rebuilding.

I would suggest parting it out and scrapping the rest


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