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Should I fix this truck?

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I would scrap it. I think you could go junking and find a lot of parts for her but in the end you will have a lot invested in her and with frame damage, once you get it put back together she might never drive right again.  To bad with 100K miles I bet you could of gotten a lot of more miles out of her. My 91 chevy has close to 375K on her and she still gets me to work and back


--- Quote --- My 91 chevy has close to 375K on her.......
--- End quote ---

Holy Cow!!!

And I've been pushing my wife to buy a new SUV* because her '98 Acura SLX is 16 years old and has 123,000 miles on it.............

[*A reliable vehicle is preferable for hunting trips wayyyyy out in the boonies.  My trips, not hers.]

Take it to esteps wheels (spelling)

They are always buying totaled vehicles and putting them back together again for a couple dollars.  Might save yourself some money letting someone do it that does it all the time for a living.


--- Quote from: SemperFiGuy on August 09, 2014, 09:45:09 PM ---Holy Cow!!!

And I've been pushing my wife to buy a new SUV* because her '98 Acura SLX is 16 years old and has 123,000 miles on it.............

[*A reliable vehicle is preferable for hunting trips wayyyyy out in the boonies.  My trips, not hers.]

--- End quote ---

That IS a lot of mile for your Isuzu-built Acura.  I'd sell it while it's still running. 

To the OP:  Sell the truck to GSD's dad.

Dan W:

--- Quote from: Gary on August 10, 2014, 02:29:27 AM ---They are always buying totaled vehicles and putting them back together again for a couple dollars. 
--- End quote ---

You actually condone putting a shoddily repaired vehicle back on the streets, not to mention foisting it on an unsuspecting car buyer?


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