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Car Auction To Take Note Of

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When the engine blew, the dealer took forever to repair it for me.  The shop was somewhere south west of Omaha, out in the boonies.  More like an acreage barn.

He left out some vital items, like crank rod bolts, and it blew again.  As I recall, the guy was somewhat of a jerk.  Or he thought I was. 

My third engine held pretty well.  I found that myself. 

What a small world.

The place I sold it, went out of business soon after, selling motorcycles without motorcycle titles.  Bank was holding the paper, and one day, an inventory found lots of empty crates.

The Z28 was not the best tire spinner car I ever drove.  I test drove a American Motors AMX.  The dealer just tossed me the keys, and I had a blast.   It was lighter than the Z28.    That AMX was the 3rd most memorable muscle car I ever drove.   Our Z was a close second.

Number 1?  The bike, with a ZZ4 crate engine, supped up, just a tad,   Top sped is Bugatti Veyron territory.    Burnouts, at any speed.

This was the color of the Z28   Mulsanne Blue

Our car was pretty special. 

71 Camaro total production 114, 630. 

71 Z28 total production 4,862

71 Z28  slalom racer like ours 1

I had just purchased the car, and I walked into work at the Checker Cab company and told the guys about it.  They wanted to see it, so I drove it up out front.     Rather than just drive it around, I went down a couple blocks and opened it up.  I was really going to it when I noticed a motorcycle cop giving chase.     I was well over 100 mph in a 25 / 35 zone. 

No ticket.  No warning ticket.  How?

I pulled over, pulled my right leg off, slid it between the seats into the back, and exited the car hipping towards the officer screaming in pain as I put my stump in his face.   I told him I fell, and was driving towards a hospital.  He said follow me and we went lights and siren to a close by emergency room.   The car was not as easy to drive with one foot!

I still remember the officer turn lime green in color when I put my stump in his face.    Kids.  I had a few stories like that one. Wonder I made it through my youth with as many limbs as I did.  I figure I hit pretty much top speed on St. Marys avenue and was slowing down when I noticed the cop in pursuit.  How fast was I going?  I dont remember, but it would have been a licence revocation to be sure.

Had the car 2 days and at a Kwik Shop someone said, is that your car?  I figured they wanted to compliment me on it.  No, they said, YOUR CARS ON FIRE!    I raced outside to see the cracked windows billowing smoke.  I opened the doors, could not find anything, opened the hood, nothing.   In the trunk was some grease rags stuffed above a wheel well.  I pulled them out, getting burned in the process, just as the firetrucks showed up.  Fire dept ruled it spontaneous combustion of grease rags.  No damage to the car except the smell of smoke. 


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