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Question on employment

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This company is losing customers due to quality issues and nobody wonders why, smh.

it USED to be that a volunteer quit would delay unemployment benefits for like 6 weeks or so.

Based on what you are saying, it sounds like either your wife goes nights or volunteers to quit ( based on the two weeks comment ), so I would suppose that if she leaves, they will argue it was volunteer and try to block unemployment.

She is going to tell her coach to find a way to keep her where she is at or she is gone. 99% chance they say buh-bye but she says her coach starts crying every time she talks to her. At least she knows some people appreciate and will miss her.

  I do not want to give anyone advice as to whether to quit their job or not.  But from an employer perspective, I had the same thing happen at my work.  We had to change shifts due to customer needs.  I had one employee who did not make the move, so I had to terminate them, I terminated them as a "volunteer termination" since we were still willing to provide them with employment.
  They filled Unemployment, I fought the claim and ended up having a Unemployment Hearing.  During which time I made the case that due to customer needs we had to make the change and that all employees were making the same shift change and this individual was still offered employment with our company and chose not to continue their employment.
  I ended up losing the case and the individual got their Unemployment. 
  Please give careful thought before ending the employment, your case may not turn out the same as this one based on which Unemployment Judge she gets or their mood at the time.
  As with all court cases, things may look the same but end differently, just based on someone's individual belief's.

They just changed from 3 40 hour shifts to 4 44 hour shifts. Losing volume and customers the whole time. It was a major change for her to go to 12 shifts because I work about 12 hours a day. We worked oposite shifts the whole time our kids were little so we could raise them. The sacrifice was worth it but have decided that we are not willing to do that again.

We will survive but have to change some habits. Health insurance at my work is double what we have been paying. We are looking at the eventual positives of her not working there any more.  It will be for the best in the end.


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