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Author Topic: another bush is thinking of running for Pres.  (Read 3683 times)

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Re: another bush is thinking of running for Pres.
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2014, 07:53:12 PM »
If another Bush gets the Republican nomination I'm going to start believing conspiracy theories.

I think Rand would be by far the best choice.  He has been said to be part of the open border crowd, since he leans toward Libertarian philosophy, and that's where that party is.  So I copied the position on the issue given on his website and am pasting it here.  At least from what he says he does not appear to be in favor of open borders:

"I do not support amnesty, I support legal immigration and recognize that the country has been enriched by those who seek the freedom to make a life for themselves. However, millions of illegal immigrants are crossing our border without our knowledge and causing a clear threat to our national security. I want to work in the Senate to secure our border immediately. In addition, I support the creation of a border fence and increased border patrol capabilities.

Immigrants should meet the current requirements, which should be enforced and updated. I realize that subsidizing something creates more of it, and do not think the taxpayer should be forced to pay for welfare, medical care and other expenses for illegal immigrants. Once the subsidies for illegal immigration are removed, the problem will likely become far less common.

I support local solutions to illegal immigration as protected by the 10th amendment. I support making English the official language of all documents and contracts.

Millions crossing our border without our knowledge constitutes a clear threat to our nation's security. Instead of closing military bases at home and renting space in Europe, I am open to the construction of bases to protect our border."
His position on 2A is the best out of the bunch, so I didn't see any need to go into detail on it.
Rand Paul would be my choice also.

Illegal immigration and amnesty could bring about the end of the Republican party and this country as we know it. (ie: no 2nd Amendment)
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Re: another bush is thinking of running for Pres.
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2014, 09:04:10 PM »
Bush 41 signed the import bans in 89. GWB said he would sign an extension of the AWB if it made it to his desk.

No thanks. I'm ready for some different names.

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Re: another bush is thinking of running for Pres.
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2014, 09:26:32 PM »
Bush 41 signed the import bans in 89. GWB said he would sign an extension of the AWB if it made it to his desk.

No thanks. I'm ready for some different names.

Sadly, every single President in my lifetime has signed bills or executive orders that contained Anti Gun provisions...  where will our rights be in 20 years? 

We need a Constitutional President!
The 2nd Amendment is not open for debate!

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Re: another bush is thinking of running for Pres.
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2014, 09:44:31 PM »
I can't stand Jeb... the "compassionate conservatism" he oozes makes my head hurt.  The only difference I see between him and Hillary is her commitment to self-preservation over all else.

I'd support Paul.  Although I would like to add the caveat that Alan West and John Bolton get added as VP or Cabinet post to stiffen Rand up a bit on foreign policy. 

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Re: another bush is thinking of running for Pres.
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2014, 04:37:58 PM »
I can't imagine ANYONE that would be excited by a Jeb Bush candidacy.

A Cruz/Paul Ticket (either order really) would be pretty cool. Rubio is solid too....no one else interests me too much, although I am sure there are some good Gov's out there somewhere- but NJ ain't one of them.

I read a lot about Romney running again...
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Offline ILoveCats

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Re: another bush is thinking of running for Pres.
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2014, 05:49:40 PM »
Sadly, every single President in my lifetime has signed bills or executive orders that contained Anti Gun provisions...  where will our rights be in 20 years? 

We need a Constitutional President!

How's this sound?  It's Condoleezza Rice talking about Birmingham after the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in 1963.

" ...After the first explosion, Daddy just went outside and sat on the porch with his gun on his lap. He sat there all night looking for white night riders.

Eventually Daddy & the men of the neighborhood formed a watch. They would take shifts at the head of the entrances to our streets. Occasionally they would fire a gun into the air to scare off intruders, but they never actually shot anyone.

Because of this experience, I'm a fierce defender of the 2nd Amendment and the right to bear arms. Had my father and his neighbors registered their weapons, Bull Connor surely would have confiscated them or worse. The Constitution speaks of the right to a well-regulated militia. The inspiration for this was the Founding Fathers' fear of the government. They insisted that citizens have the right, if necessary, to resist the authorities themselves. What better example of responsible gun ownership is there than what the men of my neighborhood did in response to the KKK and Bull Connor?"
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Re: another bush is thinking of running for Pres.
« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2014, 08:42:01 PM »
Cruz has burned too many bridges to win the primary, and Condi Rice won't be running.

If Paul wins the primary, he will win the general. I could see him picking Rice as his running mate to appease the country club republicans.

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Re: another bush is thinking of running for Pres.
« Reply #27 on: October 28, 2014, 09:17:08 PM »
I can't imagine ANYONE that would be excited by a Jeb Bush candidacy.

A Cruz/Paul Ticket (either order really) would be pretty cool. Rubio is solid too....no one else interests me too much, although I am sure there are some good Gov's out there somewhere- but NJ ain't one of them.

I read a lot about Romney running again...
Yeah.  That's just what we need. :(

I keep thinking the Republican party is led at the national level by people who are secretly Democrats, who are actively trying to sabotage the party.  Either that, or they're just plain incompetent.

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Re: another bush is thinking of running for Pres.
« Reply #28 on: October 28, 2014, 09:48:12 PM »
Just saw the Donald on Hannity. Was asked a lot of questions of what he would do. Seems like his nose is down and tail is up. Sniff.
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Offline depserv

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Re: another bush is thinking of running for Pres.
« Reply #29 on: October 29, 2014, 03:18:10 PM »
See who the liars of the liberal press express the most vehement hatred for and that person is probably the one that would make the best president. 

Somehow the leadership of the Republican party has been infected with the cancer of liberalism; their party is still the better of the two though because the other party is totally inundated with it.  What's really bad though is that a liberal Republican like Bush does a poor job because of his liberal leanings (like spending money, etc.), and claims to be a conservative, so the problems caused by his liberal leanings end up getting blamed on conservatives.  This only affects the proverbial low information voter, but unfortunately the liars of the liberal press have made sure that there are multitudes of low information voters.

The process that leads to low-information voting and what it produces is called this: Information Denied Intentionally for Obedience to Tyranny (IDIOT).
The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.

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Re: another bush is thinking of running for Pres.
« Reply #30 on: November 04, 2014, 02:47:09 PM »

Look at Jeb's past and what he favors.  Then ask yourself if this is really what you believe in.  Look at what Bush Sr and Bush Jr did for or to you and ask if that's what you really want ? Think about it.  Think long and hard.

Do I really need to drag out the 2012 Romney thread where I asked folks to name policy differences and there were none ?  Do I really need to do something like ask "whats the difference between blue budgets and red budgets" .. and the difference is "one percent" ... ?
hoppe's #9 is not the end all be all woman catching pheramone people make it out to be ... cause i smell of it 2 or 3 times a week but remain single  >:D