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Make Your Cellphone More Private

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This phone app, makes 2000 plus tracking sites, you run across daily, kiss off.

Google banned this app for a time, but through protest, it is back.    Because your cellphone is not dragging around so many spy programs, your cellphone also runs about 25% faster.

I am trying it. 

on the fritz:
Cool.  Will look into it. 

Maybe it just combines all the spyware into one app instead of hundreds of them.  :-/

After a day of use, I see no change in the way the phone works.   If Google re approved it, they might have purchased the app and corrupted it to spy on us?

 So hard to know what to trust these days.

The app could  be just a better spy program.    Shortly after I purchased my Cisco E2500 wireless router I got a popup msg from Cisco saying there was a security update, but to get it I had to register on Cisco's Cloud.  I declined and search the web about it.  Discovered that the NSA was working with several router makers to install spyware in the router itself.  I downloaded the open source firmware for the 2500 from DD-WRT and burned it onto the device.  Now, I am free from Cisco's spyware, and the html pages that the DD-WRT gives me is superior to that of Cisco's and unlike Cisco's it gives me COMPLETE access to all the settings and controls available on the router.

<< grabs tin-foil hat and popcorn >>   :laugh:


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