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Archery, Anyone?

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I have a question or two .... OK maybe 5+ ..... but was unsure where to put it .... not gun related, so we'll stick them in here and see what ensues ......

I've had a bow for ..... well .....more than a decade ...... it's a 66" longbow of Osage and Hickory ..... handmade by J. Cook of Missouri  ...... draws about 45 pounds @ 29" draw ..... I started with a bunch of second hand aluminum arrows, mostly shooting informal targets with the 5 munchkins and their friends ..... in the last couple years, I've been using it for pest control ( did you know that if you plant rabbits, you get 10 times as many peas? ...... and you can plant the rabbits anywhere- does not have to be anywhere near the garden!) ...... using 125 gr Judo points . 

I have been invited to go bowhunting for whitetails.....  I have picked up  some broadheads (Jeeminy-Peets those are spendy!) ..... with the judo points, I'm good to smack a milk jug ten for ten out to 20 yards  ......  I don't doubt that the rig will work ..... with one exception: the string has always smacked my left arm/wrist(armguard or not, it's LOUD) ..... with rabbits and  squirrels, not a big deal: they freeze at odd sounds.  Deer ..... not so much- there's even a term for it : "Jumping the String" .....

Any advice to quiet the shot?

Also, I can't find any reference to J. Cook of Missouri on the web ..... despite remembering reading an article about him in Nebraskaland .....  it's like he's been erased.....

You're holding the bow wrong if the string is hitting your forearm.  Try turning your hand in a bit by bending it at the wrist.  This increases the distance between the string and forearm and should eliminate arm strikes, thus eliminating the majority of the noise.

You could also get a dampener/silencer/whisker biscuit for the string.

Had one on an old Bear compound and it was pretty darn quiet.

I've bee kicking around getting back into bows...

Funny you should mention this.  About 10 years ago I bought a longbow but never shot it.  It's also a 45# draw.  I also bought a lighter 20# or so bow with the intention that my wife could shoot it.  Along the way the strings got lost, so just the other day I dug them out of storage and bought strings.  My daughter wants to try her hand at archery and I thought it would be something fun to do together.  I haven't bought any arrows yet, but I've always heard a traditional bow without any kind of dedicated shelf/cutout for the arrows actually needs a properly sized wooden arrow so the arrow can flex the correct amount.  I'm planning on buying some arrows soon, but they're pricey.

NE Bull:
How old is the wee one now BK?  Ive got a cute pink kids starter bow she is welcome to.

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