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Travesty Alert

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A&E has canceled Longmire.  Said the average age of the audience was 61.  Too old to follow their business model if 18 to 34.   

So Ho (pun intended, if you saw the last episode) got shot in the final scene? 

Best closing line in a TV show that I can remember.   

I will send a letter to A&E telling them I think they messed up.   

Any fans of the show in this forum?   

They should have kept on Walt's girlfriend in season 3, she was sweet! 

My wife watched Longmire, I occasionally set through it with her. I had a hard time getting into it since he carried that bloody 1911.

Justified with Timothy Olyphant, now there is a good series, at least Raylan carries a Glock.

I watched Longmire, and I'm older than the average age of the audience.  I watched it because I liked the stories, and because Longmire carried a 1911.   ;D  ;D   I was po'd when they cancelled the show. 

BTW, I think Branch's old man forced Branch to shoot him in the final scene.  I guess we'll never know for sure though.


What other bad guys could have been lingering in the shadows of that scene?  Maybe a Connally shot someone else?   The only person we know did not get shot, was Walt, as he shares the last scene with the owl.

Where the series turned south, INHO, was by not using one of the prettier cards in their deck, the last season, Lizzie.

Had they played out a three way sparks angle between the two women in Walt's life, that would have given the series more sizzle.  They left this role completely out of season 3.

They also penned out of the story line, the romantic involvement between Branch & Katie.   In making the series more clerical watching Ferg move from desk to desk, and less personal, they got off the track a bit of what made the show pop. IMHO.

I hope the series gets picked up by another network.  The more time goes by, the less likely that is to happen.

Dan W:

--- Quote from: Gary on September 17, 2014, 08:20:13 AM ---Any fans of the show in this forum?
--- End quote ---

Damn! Probably my favorite show


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