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Travesty Alert

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I  figured Branch did the shooting as the last scene is of a shot gun shell bouncing on the ground. Branch let his shells fall where they may but his dad was pocketing all his


--- Quote from: Dan W on September 17, 2014, 06:13:21 PM ---Damn! Probably my favorite show

--- End quote ---

Believe it or not, I never heard of it before today :o

Bummer, I kinda liked that show and it was one of the very few my wife liked also

I watched it all the time before we dumped cable.  Was hoping to find it online just never got around to it this season.  Good show, I thought.

The series seasons can be purchased, 1, 2 & 3 on Amazon.   I don't get cable, so I purchased them.  About a $1.80 an episode. 

I imagine a few free ones are on you tube.


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