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Author Topic: We're the bad guys???  (Read 981 times)

Offline farmerbob

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We're the bad guys???
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:20:01 PM »
I don't know about you, but I get the feeling this regime doesn't much care for us.
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Offline GreyGeek

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Re: We're the bad guys???
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2014, 07:17:23 PM »
Of course. First, you dehumanize them.   Then you give them gold stars to wear.  Then you ship them off to camps.  Then you kill them.  It's the classic Socialist "final solution".

We are in the dehumanizing stage right now.
During the first few weeks of his presidency, Obama spotlighted what he saw as a serious “right-wing” threat.

At that time, an unclassified Department of Homeland Security report warned of the possibility of violence by unnamed “right-wing extremists,” including opponents of abortion. The DHS report was followed days later by a report from the Missouri Information Analysis Center that warned law enforcement officials to watch out for individuals with “radical” ideologies based on Christianity.

Constitutional expert Herb Titus of William J. Olson, P.C. told WND that Americans should be wary by attempts by the Obama administration to crack down on “terrorism.”

“What do they mean by domestic terrorism?” he asked at the time. “The problem, whether it’s called international or domestic terrorism, is the word ‘terrorism.’ There’s no legal or historic meaning.”

Further, a study at the West Point Military Academy asserted people who are part of the ideological right wing of American society constitute a danger to the nation. And the Department of Defense was caught teaching that critics of abortion are “low-level terrorists.”

DHS also was found to be monitoring a blog posted by a Christian who was forced to flee Brazil because of the conflict between the nation’s pro-homosexual “hate crimes” agenda and his advocacy for traditional marriage.

Later, a West Point study from the U.S. Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center linked opposition to abortion and other “fundamental” positions to terrorism.

I remember that first DHS "security" document.  I have a copy of it.  It claimed that vets returning from Iraq, pro-lifers and "fundamentalist" Christians were the biggest threats to freedom in this country.  After a storm of protest for being so far to the Left, the DHS responded with a similar report naming one  Left Wing terrorists group -- only one, the Earth Liberation Front.  I guess Obama's neighbor, mentor and friend, and un-convicted bomber weatherman William Ayers didn't qualify as a terrorist. Nor did the Black Panthers, the BLA, M19CO, United Freedom Front, the SDS, the SEIU,  James Chester Banning, Carol Anne Burger, or the Animal Liberation Front and the other Left wing groups that resorted to violence and mayhem, like the "Occupy Movement".

« Last Edit: September 22, 2014, 07:31:35 AM by GreyGeek »

Offline Gumby

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Re: We're the bad guys???
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2014, 07:18:24 PM »
Caucasian, gun owner, self-employed, Christian, Constitutionalist, veteran - any two or more makes you Enemy #1 with this lawless administration. 

Offline Hardwood83

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Re: We're the bad guys???
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2014, 07:33:42 PM »
Caucasian, gun owner, self-employed, Christian, Constitutionalist, veteran - any two or more makes you Enemy #1 with this lawless administration. 

How dare you say those divisive and hateful things! You are a prime candidate for re-education. Hail First Comrade Obama!
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Offline DenmanShooter

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Re: We're the bad guys???
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2014, 07:28:05 AM »
Caucasian, gun owner, self-employed, Christian, Constitutionalist, veteran - any two or more makes you Enemy #1 with this lawless administration. 

Don't even need to be Caucasian.  Just "THINK" Caucasian. 
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Offline Gumby

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Re: We're the bad guys???
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2014, 07:58:46 PM »
Of course I need re-ed -  8)  I'm 6 for 6 7 for 7.  Homeschooling.  I forgot homeschooling.

Offline GreyGeek

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Re: We're the bad guys???
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2014, 09:51:29 AM »
I taught for 10 years at Clarks HS.  The first year I was acting principal because they couldn't find anyone with the appropriate credentials.  During the last nine years I was a member of the NEA and was appointed by the Clarks chapter of the NEA to negotiate each year.  During the next to last year, 1978 IIRC,  the school board wanted to fire the art teacher, a wonderful guy, excellent teacher and great talent.  He communicated well with the students.  His crime?  He had shoulder length hair, which was common at the time.   I negotiated with the school board over the issue and we finally agreed to let an NEA rep from Lincoln come and settle the matter.  The first thing the NEA rep did was to enter into a closed session with the school board, excluding John and myself.  After about 30 minutes he came out and announced that John's termination was final.   I could have reached that conclusion just by giving up. 

What did the NEA rep get in return?  A promise by the school board that next year they would adopt the Education 2000 curriculum.   That curriculum, and several others like it, included such nice tidbits of disinformation as "dwem"s (dead white European males) who were the cause of all America's problems.  It belittled the Constitution, except to accuse our Founding Fathers of stealing the idea from the Five Nations Indian tribes, which didn't have a written language at the time.  It  consistently confused our Republic with a democracy, barely mentioned the Declaration  of Independence except to note that its author was a slave owner, and praised such stalwart Americans as James Baldwin, Paul Robson and other Marxists. 

The American public school curriculum has been consistently dumbed down, in increasing tendencies, for the last 30 or more graduating classes.  So, it's no surprise that today's graduates, besides not being able to read, write or do math at even a 1950s eighth grade level,  do not understand or even know about our form of government, what the three branches are and their respective roles, what the Bill of Rights is and says, and the role Christianity played in the formation of this nation which, contrary to the Left's dogma, was significant.   Today's graduate "thinks" that they deserve to be paid even if they don't work and that they have a right to avoid responsibility for their own actions.  What they do is always the fault of someone else.  Even worse, now they are being given the illusion that they are entitled to government welfare for doing nothing and that they can use their EBT card to buy stuff which can be exchanged on the black market for drugs, porn and booze.  And, that they can make unreported income selling drugs.   Then they wonder why the Mexican drug cartels are so dangerous and the government doesn't "do something" about it.

They are totally narcissistic and self serving.

I must say, however, that home schooled kids are generally no smarter than the parents who teach them.  So, they are either very good, or they are very bad.  Most use something like the ACE system.  But again, it depends on the qualifications of the parent.  In public schools it is (was?)  allowed for up to 27% "dislocations", i.e., teachers teaching subject for which they have no formal training.   That's how coaches end up teaching chemistry, physics and math, subjects which are shot of trained teachers, and is why there are few HS students in smaller schools that do well in those subjects unless they are self-taught and motivated.   Coaches are fired because their teams lose, not because they can't teach.

The best home schooled kids are those whose parents are or were teachers and are trained.  Those kids get the best of both worlds.  So poorly trained are public high school kids that most home schooled kids, regardless of the training of the parents, out score the HS kids on standardized tests, which themselves have been dumbed down to make recent graduates "appear" to be on par with previous graduates.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 10:04:10 AM by GreyGeek »