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Government thought control

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I was traveling home a few weeks ago and while waiting for a flight, I sought out an outlet to charge my laptop.  Sitting next to a lady, I struck up a conversation in which she stated that she was traveling to work as a fill-in TSA agent.  Because I was traveling in my pilot uniform, she obviously knew what I did for a living.

Our discourse eventually brought us around to aviation security, and I described a security requirement at an airport I frequent which could only make sense to someone working for the government.  Basically, the pilots had to be escorted for fear that they would do something wrong during their walk to/from the airplane.  I expressed that this was ridiculous because, once we were in the airplane, they would be sitting in the largest weapon that we had all come to fear in the aftermath of 9/11.

I had not even finished this thought when the lady said "Oh I know what your going to say, but don't say it".  Then proceeded to tell me how she had a pilot detained because he expressed how ridiculous it is to screen the pilots when they would be operating the very same type of weapon that the 9/11 terrorists employed.  The pilot was not saying anything like "I'm going to crash the plane...".  He was simply stating a fact.  This lady believes her job goes way beyond physical screening or pulling a person because they are making real threats.  She is apparently employed as the thought police. 

Now let me say I DO understand that the TSA job is unfortunately necessary in this new world we live in.  What I have a problem with is a person being detained for pointing out how a process is flawed, and being told to refrain from speaking, just fall in line and comply.

I must also say that pilots are not above reprieve.  Pilots can (and do) have mental issues.  Years ago a disgruntled FedEx pilot was riding jumpseat when he pulled out a hammer and attempted to bludgeon the crew so that he could hijack the plane and crash it into the FedEx headquarters.  Many people would use this as an example of why pilots should be screened.  However, when airplanes come with such things as crash axes accessible to the crew, the physical screening is not going to matter much with a person intent on doing harm.


Well you do wear a pretty lame vest at IDPA....


--- Quote from: bullit on September 22, 2014, 06:48:20 PM ---Well you do wear a pretty lame vest at IDPA....

--- End quote ---

That's all you got?  Back to the "vest" thing?  I will remind you that I don't wear a vest at all for the IDPA matches.  Though this may soon become against the rules, which is just an attempt for some people to make their unwanted orange vests sell on local forums.   ;D


"Security Theatre"

Its not about being safe or secure, its about putting on a show for the masses. A horribly inefficient show.


--- Quote from: wallace11bravo on September 22, 2014, 07:07:36 PM ---"Security Theatre"

Its not about being safe or secure, its about putting on a show for the masses. A horribly inefficient show.

--- End quote ---



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