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Government thought control

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--- Quote from: OnTheFly on September 23, 2014, 10:46:19 AM ---However, what is your alternative?
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That's easy.   Use the methods of the most successful airport security team in the world, the Israelis.

Since 9/11 we have spent approximately 30 billion dollars on the TSA and there have been well over 25,000 failures.  It is blind luck that an American airliner hasn't been blown out of the sky.  Because Obama is not enforcing our border security I have little doubt that Muslims will or have snuck Stingers into the country and will  probably shoot down an aircraft flying out of Reagan airport sooner or later.

The TSA is .   The only reason why the shoe bomber didn't blow the plane out of the air is because of his stupidity, not because security stopped him.  The same for the underware bomber and the printer cartridge fiasco, and God only knows how many squeakers the TSA aren't talking about.   

The Israelis require that their security  people have college education and are throughly trained in security.  They are professionals.  Not homeless people or HS drop outs given a  job, a badge, training on how to grope and permission to abuse the civil rights of citizens, if not stealing them blind.    Instead of groping or other violations of ones dignity,  every person wanting to fly in Israel is interviewed while on the way to the airport or waiting in the line by professionals trained to spot terrorists.    We hire just anyone off the street and give them training in groping, and enforce politically correct restrictions on NOT frisking people who fit radical behaviors because that would be "profiling".  God forbid we save the lives of hundreds to protect the civil liberties of someone who buys a ticket at the last minute, pays cash, has no luggage, all their body hair is shaved, etc...

Scanning and searching pilots is the height of TSA stupidity.  A pilot could walk on board an aircraft buck naked, after taking an enema and undergoing a full body CT scan and that wouldn't stop him from flying the aircraft into the ground or ocean.  The pilot brought the MH170 airliner down.

Now, what are the odds that if some TSA agent sees your pseudonym and identifies you they would ban you from piloting or flying because you are a member of this forum.  I'd wager the odds would be pretty high.

I would agree that the Israelis are much more practiced in the skills of terroristic threat detection. We could and should take some pages from their playbook. Our system has flaws, and one of them is the standards of employment. While the Israeli system may be more effective, it still has flaws. They may be less restricted by political correctness, but be careful what you wish for.  While Islamic extremists are what you and I want to stop, the political leanings of the POTUS is what will influence who is being held in suspect. The government is already suspicious of "radicals" such as white males who are religious and have a firm belief in the fundamentals of the Constitution.



--- Quote from: OnTheFly on September 23, 2014, 01:50:42 PM --- the political leanings a of the POTUS is what will influence who is being held in suspect. The government is already suspicious of "radicals" such as white males who are religious and have a firm belief in the fundamentals of the Constitution.
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Agreed, and THAT is exactly what is at the core of the problem with the TSA and its infamous ViPR teams.


--- Quote from: GreyGeek on September 23, 2014, 12:30:45 PM ---That's easy.   Use the methods of the most successful airport security team in the world, the Israelis.
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Minor problem here.  California alone has more airports than Israel.  Can we afford to do that level of security for every airport?  Every international airport?  Do we want to?

Whatever they do, the Patriot Act needs to go bye bye. It isn't even a law, Constitutionally speaking. Why do we let them use it as one? Someone says you are a threat and you can disappear without your rights protected by the Constitution? I don't thinks so! Either it protects us all, or it protects nobody.


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