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Government thought control

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--- Quote from: wallace11bravo on September 22, 2014, 07:07:36 PM ---"Security Theatre"

Its not about being safe or secure, its about putting on a show for the masses. A horribly inefficient show.

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That's why we have so many repressive laws.  People demanding the government "do something" 


--- Quote from: wallace11bravo on September 22, 2014, 07:07:36 PM ---"Security Theatre"

Its not about being safe or secure, its about putting on a show for the masses. A horribly inefficient show.

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The funniest (in a twisted way) story I have about that occurred shortly after 9/11 when everyone was hypersensitive about security.  There is one airport which is the general aviation mecca in the northeast.  They have gated entry with a "guard".  For a while they would have you open the trunk of the vehicle so they could look in.  They would see giant pilot suitcases, boxes, whatever, and just waive you in.  Apparently if you had weapons and/or bombs, they would have been labeled as such.  What a futile, make-you-feel-good attempt at security.  Sheesh!



--- Quote from: OnTheFly on September 22, 2014, 10:51:46 AM ---.. proceeded to tell me how she had a pilot detained because he expressed how ridiculous it is to screen the pilots when they would be operating the very same type of weapon that the 9/11 terrorists employed.  ...

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Unfortunately I'm seeing this sort of brain-dead thinking in all industries these days.   I really think humanity is getting more and more stupid as the decades go on.  It's not even a thought police or political correctness thing as much as it is a lack of creativity and imagination. 

Of course there have always been certain workers who are infamous for having no imagination -- or sense of humor.  Remember the 1980s commercial where the customs agent asks the traveler if he has anything to declare and he responds, "Diarrhea"?   Don't ever try that.   I know a guy who did once and it made his customs and admission process much longer and more involved than he'd bargained for.


--- Quote from: feralcatkillr on September 22, 2014, 09:56:55 PM ---Unfortunately I'm seeing this sort of brain-dead thinking in all industries these days.   I really think humanity is getting more and more stupid as the decades go on.  It's not even a thought police or political correctness thing as much as it is a lack of creativity and imagination. 

Of course there have always been certain workers who are infamous for having no imagination -- or sense of humor.  Remember the 1980s commercial where the customs agent asks the traveler if he has anything to declare and he responds, "Diarrhea"?   Don't ever try that.   I know a guy who did once and it made his customs and admission process much longer and more involved than he'd bargained for.

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The movie "Idiocracy" is a prophesy.

The dumb people keep breeding while the smart people are too busy working.


--- Quote from: OnTheFly on September 22, 2014, 10:51:46 AM ---Now let me say I DO understand that the TSA job is unfortunately necessary
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Fly...  in your unadulterated opinion, do you believe they've made any difference?  I know of no MAJOR instance that TSA has stopped anything malicious from occurring .....


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