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Learning How to Shoot, Part IIB: Live Fire
Finally got the next part of the continuing series about "Learning How to Shoot" finished and up on the blog.
This time, it is about how to make the most effective use of your live range time. Sometimes we just want to go to the range and SHOOT STUFF (which is fine) but in general, if you really want to get better, you need to have a better idea of how to go about it than that.
There certainly IS something to be said for just going to the range and having fun---I know I use range therapy fairly frequently. :) That being said, though, if you want to increase your skills, random shooting just isn't going to do it. (And there is a limit on how much standard bullseye practice will make you better.)
This is the third post in a series about learning how to shoot:
* How do you learn to shoot? (Part I)
* Learning to Shoot Part IIA: Dryfire
I got curious, so I added a poll---do you plan your range sessions or not?
Note: there are times when I go to the range just to plink and have fun. However, most often I go to the range to attempt to get better, and for those times I have a plan, which I stick to most of the time. So for me, the poll answer was: "I go to the range to practice, and actually stick to my plan."
What happens with your range sessions, the majority of the time?
Having a plan and actually sticking to it are 2 different critters :laugh:
Still new to shooting my own weapon, but I do try to have a plan when I go and sometimes I even get close to coming near to the plan. ;D
on the fritz:
I generally go to practice with a plan, but at some point I try to end with a little fun.
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