Note: this posting is not a tweet!
... It appears we cannot avoid damage to the market regardless of our actions. However, the OCRFM does not exist to make political statements outside of the sphere of food and farming.
Two valid assertions. However, MissMichella has been open carrying at the market in previous years and it was the Anti-2A crowd which politicized her presence and attempted to demonize her and other supporters of the 2nd Amendment. NFOA members could not, and should not, let their assertions and whines go unanswered. Those who do not contest a political statement concede to those who do.
I find it very sad, as I did in January of 2012 when I defended the Constitution on the steps of the Nebraska Capital building, that it is necessary to continue to defend that document on which our Rule Of Law in this Republic is based. There is little doubt, and history confirms, that if the 2nd Amendment is nullified then the remaining Rights will soon follow, and freedom in this country will be gone. Many say that most of the first ten Amendments are already partially or completely nullified by government actions, and that most of our freedoms are gone, and I must agree. If you haven't noticed it, it is because your ox hasn't been gored... yet. Wait until your opinion is labeled politically incorrect hate speech and you are prosecuted for a hate crime, your emails or private papers, or funds are taken without a warrant, your children cannot practice their religion in the places and the ways you did, your car is stopped without probably cause and searched without a warrant and if you do not answer personal or private questions your silence is taken as guilt and you are charged with "resisting arrest", and other rights you thought you had are no longer protected by the ninth amendment. Simply because those whom YOU elected, and who took an oath of office in which they swore to "uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC, and they took this OBLIGATION without mental reservations or purpose of evasion", LIED and had reservations or evasions. And why are they continually re-elected? Because they take the money earned by others, whom they demonize as "rich" or "privileged", and give it to those who did not earn it. A Quid Quo Pro for votes.
... The Board has been advised by legal counsel that we are well within our rights to prohibit firearms at the Old Cheney Road Farmers’ Market. At this time the Board chooses to take no policy action regarding the presence of firearms within our market. We maintain that the market is a family friendly place, not a platform for political statements. We respectfully request that patrons and vendors not bring firearms to market.
As a "respectful request" it has no force of law if the required and proper "No Guns" signs are not conspicuously posted at all entrances, but I suspect that many anti-2A advocates would see the request as a victory, so the board HAS made a statement with political consequences. However, as a CHP holder who NEVER carries openly I would continue to carry concealed, even at that market. What other patrons cannot see they cannot complain about.
This recent debate is the result of a single, holstered firearm at market carried by a long time, respectful and loyal customer. If many more firearms suddenly appear at market, the Board may interpret this as an attempt to disrespect the OCRFM and our patrons who disagree with this difficult decision. If we feel so challenged, the Board may choose to quickly and decisively prohibit firearms at the OCRFM in the future.
Obviously, they are asking people to not carry openly but they are not banning concealed carry, or they would have put up the necessary legal signs.
Before the Texas Clock Tower incident in 1968 people thought nothing about other folks carrying in the open because that was a generally understood unalienable right, and NOBODY had to exercise that right to make a political point. Then came the massive abridgments of that which "shall not be abridged", imposed in the following years by politicians who lied in taking their oath of office, and the massive anti-2A publicity and disinformation campaigns by the Democrats.
In the 1950's, as a 12, 13 or 14 year old boy, nobody paid any attention to me while I road my bike into the country side with my .22 rifle strapped to my back. Later, as a 15 or 16 year old, when that weapon became a sporterized M1 Garand, still nobody noticed or cared. Back then, 50 years ago, many people carried rifles in racks in the back window of their pickups, or behind the front seat, and many, many more carried handguns in their glove compartments or pockets of their clothing. Perhaps even a majority. Nobody stole the guns because guns were inexpensive and ammo was cheap. Just about every hardware or department store sold them. I don't remember as much crime back then as there is today, but back then the occasional nut caused problems, and there were armed robberies, but nobody got hysterical.
That said, consider this: armed criminals and thugs always carry concealed. When they enter an establishment with the intent of robbing it, they have the advantage. They see the person who is open carrying. The thug knows what he intends to do, but the person open carrying does not know what the thug intends to do. The thug has the element of surprise and can choose when and where to attack. His first target will be the person with the gun. If the thug has no respect for life the first shot will be to the head of the person carrying in the open, at point blank range. Or, which is unlikely, the person carrying in the open will feel something in their ribs and hear a warning, "one move and you are dead!". They won't move as the thug disarms them and then proceeds to rob the store. Now, the thug has two weapons. Or, if he was using a knife or an airgun, he now has a firearm, and the person open carrying has played into the hands of that Anti-2A people who will shout "Didn't we tell you this would happen?", etc...., besides loosing their expensive weapon.
I don't care if Farmer's Market gets robbed. I do care that someone who does not wish me well would see my gun IF I carried it in the open. I'll make my political statement at rallies, in letters to the editor, as msgs posted on the Internet. But, most importantly, I'll make my political statement at the ballot box, where it counts the most. And, if anyone is to be surprised, it will be the thug with the gun who intends to attack me. At least I'll have a fighting chance.