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A note from the GRPC

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Obviously one of the topics hotly discussed at the conference was Universal Background Checks. The general consensus is of course NO WAY.

The truth is that there will be states where it will pass. There was one idea that was expressed that may be agreeable to gun owners as whole.

The following is that idea in rough form and plain English. I offer no opinion or thoughts on it. I am simply reporting what was discussed.
Consider it and comment on it.

The idea being that since it will pass in certain places gun owners should get out in front of the issue and work to get our own version of Universal Background Checks passed into law.
1. You as a gun buyer want to buy a gun. You call the FBI Hotline or log onto the website. After entering your information you are issued a confirmation number (i.e. xyz124)

2. You come to me to buy a gun I have for sale. You give me your pre-approval number xyz124. I Call the Hotline or log into the website and enter the xyz124. It tells me that the person that possesses that number has passed the background check.

3. I take you money and give you the gun. No record of the transfer exists except what we might create as a bill of sale.

4. This would also work with gun shops. You take your xyz1234 to the gun shop they look it up and sell you the gun. It may in some form do away with the 4473 altogether. (maybe)

There it is. Is it a workable solution? Is it something you/we/I could live with?

 not sure about that, THEY will have a record of how many times you called for a number, the way it is now with the purchase permit, they don't know how many times you have used it,

True Shooter, however consider states that don't have a purchase permit or if it was a federal law. If Nebraska did, and I hope they never do, would the purchase permit be an exemption to the universal background check between friends and family? It would depend on how the law is written.

Many states are considering very bad Universal Background Check legislation and in some places it will pass. Is the above proposal a workable solution for gun owners in those states? If it was certain to be passed at the federal level is the above a workable solution for gun owners?

I will need to think on this for a while.  I understand the people that dislike our purchase certificate (and truly in spirit I agree), but I like the fact that it keeps us out of this mess under current law.  Saw a thing recently that Nebraska has almost no NICS checks, especially when compared to states around us, its because we all have purchase permits and CCW permits so the dealer does not need to.

I'd be more willing to require the card for all purchases not just handguns and fix the problems with it, some places are charging more than the $5.00.  But that would be a state level fix not national, and I would not want a national purchase certificate.

So many thoughts and its so late.....

My initial thoughts on the idea are negative.
With the technology today & the current spy(NSA) state that we all live wouldn't be very difficult for whoever administered this program to track where the calls were coming from.
I also see the next antiGun claim under that proposal to be that straw purchases are at an all time high, because there is zero connection between the buyer & seller other than a govt generated number....

In all reality, I am sure the this is far better than whatever propasal the left will attempt to force on us with RHINO support!


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