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Who Wants To Do Some Street Fishing?

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--- Quote from: shooter on October 04, 2014, 05:39:53 PM ---all that comes to mind is Ralph in Greatest American Hero,  trying to fly and screaming down the alley sideways and hitting a wall

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You are REALLY dating yourself by mentioning that show.



--- Quote from: bkoenig on October 04, 2014, 05:54:59 PM ---
You are REALLY dating yourself by mentioning that show.


--- End quote ---
  I got the boxed set, for some reason amazon sent me 2 sets when I ordered it, my grandkids love it!


Kind of like this??


I didn't get my CHP in order to play cop or street cleaner. 

IF I never have to use it to defend myself or my wife that will be fine with me.

No, no, it's a great idea!

We get a large group of people together, all with video cameras, of course armed in case they need to defend themselves, and then we draw straws to see who gets to play "victim," and that person walks around acting clueless, trolling for crime, and when the muggers attack, the group of people gets it all on video for evidence, and they all swoop in and capture the bad guy, tie him up, and drag him to the police department!  It'll be great!  We can do it nightly, and capture LOTS of bad guys! 

We should probably all get matching shirts (other than the "victims," of course, don't want it to be obvious), and call ourselves the Street Knights or something like that, so we seem like a professional group instead of crazy vigilante weirdos, because we wouldn't want that.

We could clean up the town, and people would see how people who believe in personal responsibility, rights, and justice CAN really make a difference!

Nothing could go wrong with this plan. 


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