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Author Topic: A good read...  (Read 5340 times)

Offline FarmerRick

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A good read...
« on: October 23, 2014, 07:17:31 PM »
May want to send this to your friends, should it apply.  ;)

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Re: A good read...
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2014, 07:51:50 PM »
 I moved out of Omaha to 6 acres in the country over 30 years ago, I get that all the time, and give the same answer you did
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Offline AWick

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Re: A good read...
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2014, 08:23:06 PM »
He references a "Team" is that then his tight knit group that are all gathering supplies together?

I would wager to guess there are a lot of well prepared folks on here that have tons of supplies, ammo, training, etc, but don't have land to defend. I would further guess that if your good friend showed up with 6 month's worth of food and ten thousand rounds of ammo and said let me join you and let's  defend this place together, you would be more inclined to say sure. Especially if/when shtf, the marauding masses would quickly overtake a single or even a handful of arms in defense of a cabin.
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Re: A good read...
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2014, 08:37:40 PM »
He references a "Team" is that then his tight knit group that are all gathering supplies together?

I would wager to guess there are a lot of well prepared folks on here that have tons of supplies, ammo, training, etc, but don't have land to defend. I would further guess that if your good friend showed up with 6 month's worth of food and ten thousand rounds of ammo and said let me join you and let's  defend this place together, you would be more inclined to say sure. Especially if/when shtf, the marauding masses would quickly overtake a single or even a handful of arms in defense of a cabin.

 that really sounds like a plan, but only 10,000 rounds. must be a newbie
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Offline AWick

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Re: A good read...
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2014, 08:50:00 PM »
that really sounds like a plan, but only 10,000 rounds. must be a newbie
Thanks, I almost put "tens of thousands" but I'm not there yet...  I'm still in my twenties so hopefully I have time... most of it is in centerfire rifle calibers or handgun ammo. my next step would be a good little 22lr rifle as that is missing from my list and I know it's one of the best rifles to have for shtf. I started canning food this year for the first time. That was actually enjoyable but the prep times goes wayyy up if you don't have good equipment.

I completely agree with the sentiment of why should I degrade my stores and risk my safety to save your hind end because you didn't have a plan. I live on the very edge (for now) of omaha. I have one neighbor, then a field to my west and south. I too have had several friends say, "man I know where I'm coming in a shtf situation" and I shrug it off because,  while I have lots of supplies I realize that my house here would be impossible to defend and it wouldn't even be worth it. The question then is, do I bug out to a family ranch several hours away or to a friend's place more locally, but that friend doesn't have a lot of supplies... they just have a good spot of land with a water supply and defensive land advantages...

What ammount of supplies makes up for not having land to defend of my own?
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Offline jFader

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Re: A good read...
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2014, 10:21:52 PM »
I think we all have heard that line....it certainly adds another dimension to it when it is immediate family who refused to make any concessions to be prepared for even the most basic scenarios...

For me, the biggest curse of being 'somewhat prepared' is realizing how unprepared most everyone else is!

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Re: A good read...
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2014, 07:59:31 AM »
I think we all have heard that line....it certainly adds another dimension to it when it is immediate family who refused to make any concessions to be prepared for even the most basic scenarios...

For me, the biggest curse of being 'somewhat prepared' is realizing how unprepared most everyone else is!
That gets me too... even just basic supplies for any mirriad of natural disasters would be a start. That's pretty much where I am. Take that ice storm in central nebraska a few years ago. Some of those folks were without electricity for over a couple weeks or even longer...
"Well-regulated" meant well equipped, trained and disciplined... not controlled with an iron fist.

Offline GreyGeek

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Re: A good read...
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2014, 11:59:24 AM »
A lot of people don't have the money or time to create a SHTF safe place fully stocked. 

And, at 73, I doubt that my wife and I could survive the rigors of a SHTF scenario.   My plan is to stay put and try to survive with 3 to 6 months of food.  Most people, by the end of the 2nd month, will have died from starvation or drinking contaminated water.  The rest would "living" on meager rations in FEMA camps and doing make-work to keep them too busy and tired to make trouble.  I doubt a government run "help" center would waste resources on my wife or I. 

The hard thing to do is to avoid being "rounded up" when the military sweeps through and demands everyone leave their home and be transmitted to an unfamiliar place, while folks from other places are moved in where I live.  The purpose, of course, is to keep people unfamiliar with the area they are in.