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Author Topic: CCW and CDL restrictions  (Read 1582 times)

Offline jwallweyfoundry

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CCW and CDL restrictions
« on: February 02, 2015, 12:02:21 PM »
so my current employer is going to require us to have a CDL (commercial drivers lisc). I have a ccw already but can't seem to find laws with the CDL.  I thought that in a commercial vehicle you can't have a concealed weapon.  But in my personal vehicle is there limitations?  I don't want to not be able to carry a gun when ever I feel I need to.

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Re: CCW and CDL restrictions
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2015, 12:42:04 PM »
There are no rules (DOT or otherwise) about carrying in your rig. A lot of employers tell their employees that there are federal laws preventing them from carrying just to back-door them into the employer's own "no guns" rule.
The same list of prohibited areas applies to you as every other conceal carry holder. However, you are going to have to think ahead because there are places (i.e. military bases) that don't even allow firearms on the premises, so you can't even leave it in your truck if you have to enter one of those.

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Re: CCW and CDL restrictions
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2015, 02:38:26 PM »
....there are places (i.e. military bases) that don't even allow firearms on the premises, so you can't even leave it in your truck if you have to enter one of those.

This point has likewise been made in a couple of other postings here on the Forum.

And it's quite true.

What some folks do in these cases is simply stop at the entrance gate parking lot before entering the military post and declare a firearm at the check-in desk.   Then the firearm is checked in at the guard shack, left there during the visit, and picked up when leaving by showing the receipt.

As it happens, I frequently employed this process in the past while teaching on-base courses at various military bases throughout the Midwest.  Took my prairie-doggin' rifles along for use while out in the boonies.   Made a two-fer out of the trip. 

I usually requested the MPs to do all firearms handling, from the trunk to the check-in counter and back.  Sometimes they insisted.  Always OK by me.  Usually wound up in a firearms discussion of some kind.   They always seemed fascinated with my tricked-out Remington XB-40 in .22-250.

Once a nice young MP told me that I had to go check in the guns at the base armory.  He said, "And you have exactly four minutes to get there."

It's always quite possible that some bases wouldn't utilize such a process.  However,  Very easy to check in advance with the Provost Marshal.


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Re: CCW and CDL restrictions
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2015, 04:22:18 PM »
^ Good to know sfg.  My brother's girlfriend works on base, and he is always worried about driving there.  I had wondered if he could declare at the gate and follow whatever protocol.  p.s. It's in Kansas, which seems to be the new (and better) Texas- everyone is packing these days. ;)

He also happens to be a CDL instructor at the local college.  I don't recall him ever mentioning anything about CCW restrictions with CDL, and they would know, as he and his co-instructor are VERY pro-gun and freedoms.  I will pick his brain for any info from that angle.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 04:25:18 PM by NE Bull »
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Re: CCW and CDL restrictions
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2015, 07:13:10 PM »
I've spoken with the SGT at NSP carrier enforcement in past couple of years. He stated basically what has been said above. There are no special restrictions for CDLs in Nebraska and noe federally that forbids such.  Outside of that he said state laws will vary ....

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Re: CCW and CDL restrictions
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2015, 08:45:45 PM »
I drove Over-The-Road from 2004 to 2008 in all of the Lower 48 States. There were a number of times when I arrived @ a shipper or consignee to find a "no firearms sign". Since the companies I drove for didn't allow me to carry, I wasn't affected. Some of them, like chemical companies, also didn't allow pets.