Ammunition & Hand Loading > General Ammunition Discussion

.22LR for pistol use

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--- Quote from: armed and humorous on August 16, 2009, 02:53:42 PM ---I'm gradually wandering through some of the threads that do not have real recent comments, and I stumbled upon this one.  I don't think anyone here would disagree that at normal self-defense range, a .45 is more likely to stop an assailant than a .22.  However, Rule#.308 brings up a good point about distance (and related accuracy of the two).  Also, I might remind everyone that it was a .22 that killed Bobby Kennedy, and I can't even recall how many deaths from either accidental or intentional shootings with .22s I have read about over the years.  I once read a true story about a family that purchased a small island off the east coast of Canada.  There were a number of bears living on the island, including grizzlies.  One confrontation involved the entire family (four individuals), all armed with rifles from .22 through .270, 30.30, and 30.06, against a charging grizzly coming at them from about 40yds down the path they were on.  they fired continuously as fast as they could as the bear charged and actually continued on past them for some distance before finally dropping dead.  Upon skinning the animal, they found 37 bullet wounds in its body.  About a week later, the wife/mother of the family was out getting water from the well when another grizzly popped out of the woods and came at her.  She had only a .22 rifle, but she fired one round and the bear collapsed dead in front of her.

--- End quote ---

Fine example of "it's better to be lucky, than good".

armed and humorous:
I didn't bother to mention, the second bear died of old age!  :)


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