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Athelete's foot got you down?

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--- Quote from: OnTheFly on December 04, 2014, 10:10:10 AM ---I love to joke around, but there is NO prank funny enough to justify touching (even momentarily) another guy in "that area". 


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Well, current politically correct theology didn't apply 60 years ago, and people weren't as hung up on gender as they are today.  And,  slapping balm on a guy's genitals wasn't considered a homosexual act back then.  Learning to handle tough situations was part of growing up back then.  Today, people run to the nanny state and whine.


--- Quote from: GreyGeek on December 04, 2014, 11:41:03 AM ---Well, current politically correct theology didn't apply 60 years ago, and people weren't as hung up on gender as they are today.  And,  slapping balm on a guy's genitals wasn't considered a homosexual act back then.  Learning to handle tough situations was part of growing up back then.  Today, people run to the nanny state and whine.

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I have jumped out of a plane somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,200 times with some pretty harrowing and painful experiences.  I have survived a plane crash where the aircraft was totaled, I was knocked unconscious, and I was laid up for a week.  Yet I continued my aviation career and have nearly 9,000 hours of total time.

I don't think my mental or physical toughness has suffered because I didn't have some kid in high school slap me on the scrotum with a burning salve.   ;D

On the bigger picture, I would agree.  Everything is overly sensitive.  Sometimes pain and humiliation are good teaching lessons.  The public school system tries (too much) to make sure every purple penguin is treated with kid gloves instead of letting them learn the tough lessons of life.


Other than OTC remedies the only two "sworn to work" ideas were

 1) Soak your feet in vodka- this from the polish immigrant I work with although he claims to do it frequently so how good can it be eh?

2) Pee on your feet in the shower every day... that from a marine buddy of mine.  You'll have to ask SFG or someone if this is for real or just sick Corps humor to see if someone will actually do it.  ::)


--- Quote from: RedDot on December 04, 2014, 10:00:13 PM ---Other than OTC remedies the only two "sworn to work" ideas were

 1) Soak your feet in vodka- this from the polish immigrant I work with although he claims to do it frequently so how good can it be eh?

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That would probably work fairly well, except that Vodka besides drying the skin severely is also fairly expensive.   I have never deliberately gotten drunk.  The three times it occurred were when I was at a wine taster event sponsored by Cessna (who was hoping I'd buy one of their planes),  when a business partner introduced me to Mint Julips without telling me they were alcoholic, and when he gave me a communion cup full of Russian Vodka he'd picked up on a sales trip to Russia.  In the first case I never swallowed any of the wine.  I'd taste it, spit it out, eat a bit of cracker and cheese, and go on to taste the wine at the next table.  There may have been 30 or 40 tables in the perimeter of that auditorium.  It was there that I learned that alcohol can pass directly into the blood stream through your tongue and cheek tissues.  I knew I was in trouble when the auditorium started spontaneously rotating to the left about 90 degrees and then snapping back.  The second time was because I ordered a second Mint Julip because the first one tasted so good.  I swear, I never tasted the alcohol, but I was wondering why they were grinning at me when I ordered the second.  The third time the Vodka tasted oily and burned my tongue and throat.  The room shifting occurred about 10 minutes later, but I have no doubt that Russian Vodka could be used as a powerful antiseptic.

--- Quote from: RedDot on December 04, 2014, 10:00:13 PM ---2) Pee on your feet in the shower every day... that from a marine buddy of mine.  You'll have to ask SFG or someone if this is for real or just sick Corps humor to see if someone will actually do it.  ::)

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That won't work.  While urine is sterile, unless you have kidney or urinary tract infection, it has no anti-fungal properties.


--- Quote from: OnTheFly on December 04, 2014, 01:03:58 PM ---I have jumped out of a plane somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,200 times with some pretty harrowing and painful experiences.  I have survived a plane crash where the aircraft was totaled, I was knocked unconscious, and I was laid up for a week.  Yet I continued my aviation career and have nearly 9,000 hours of total time.
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Cool!  I've never done a parachute jump.  Were you a military paratrooper?

You've got a LOT more flight time built up than  I have, but I've never been in a plane crash.  I had one instance of the cockpit filling up with smoke during take off which forced me to kill the mag switches and do a down wind landing on the runway I just took off from.  I've had two harrowing experiences flying commercial.  It's an interesting time watching fire trucks line the runway you are about to land on because our only hydraulic "system A", the pilot explained,  failed during take off.  He never said there was not a "system B", which I found out later.  We flew around the patch for five hours to burn excess fuel while the stewards got everyone drunk with free booze.  I believe the pilot let a little pressure out of the cabin to facilitate the sleepiness.  IIRC, the landing speed of a Boeing 727 is about 140 knts.  I measured our speed at about 250 knts because the pilot couldn't lower the flaps, which retracted half way up during takeoff before the hydraulics failed.  Also, he couldn't guarantee that the wheels locked into position so he hit hard on the threshold to force them to collapse and give the maximum slide distance before the runway ran out.  Luckily, the wheels held, but the reverse thrusters were the  loudest I ever heard and the deceleration force was so great that my arms and legs stretched out in front of me and were difficult to pull back.  We came to a stop just as our nose ran off the far end of the runway.

--- Quote from: OnTheFly on December 04, 2014, 01:03:58 PM ---I don't think my mental or physical toughness has suffered because I didn't have some kid in high school slap me on the scrotum with a burning salve.   ;D
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Sorry if you took it personal, it wasn't meant to be.

--- Quote from: OnTheFly on December 04, 2014, 01:03:58 PM ---On the bigger picture, I would agree.  Everything is overly sensitive.  Sometimes pain and humiliation are good teaching lessons.  The public school system tries (too much) to make sure every purple penguin is treated with kid gloves instead of letting them learn the tough lessons of life.


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That was my point.   From what my grandson tells me his school is a beehive of politically correct police running amok.  No games are played in which someone can win while others lose.  Scores in competitive events are not kept.  Kids are not encouraged to do better than they've done before but to achieve the average of the group.  Even scarier, everything is group think and behavior and opinions are molded to those of the "group", which are actually the mores and opinions of the teachers, which is why, here in Lincoln, instead of using gender pronouns kids are encouraged to use various colored penguins to refer to various genders.  :(


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