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Athelete's foot got you down?

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--- Quote from: on the fritz on December 03, 2014, 10:10:53 AM ---I have also heard that Vick's Vapo-Rub also kills athlete's foot.  I'm sure it would, but then you have the smell........ 

A friend of mine said that once in high school he sprayed Tilex on his feet because of a bad case of athlete's foot.  He said it cleared it right up in one application, but kinda burned real good.   :o   :laugh:

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Laughing almost uncontrollably right now.  :laugh:

One other thing.  Make sure you put your socks on BEFORE you change your underwear.

It can migrate, you know.


--- Quote from: DenmanShooter on December 03, 2014, 10:06:37 PM ---One other thing.  Make sure you put your socks on BEFORE you change your underwear.

It can migrate, you know.

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You don't want to have to soak THAT in Listerine.

When I was in high school, about 60 years ago, the favorite  initiation trick among the jocks was to put a gob of Atomic Balm on their fingers and when a rookie was taking his first shower the jock would slap that balm on "that area".   You could hear the screaming for a block in all directions.


--- Quote from: GreyGeek on December 04, 2014, 09:35:18 AM ---When I was in high school, about 60 years ago, the favorite  initiation trick among the jocks was to put a gob of Atomic Balm on their fingers and when a rookie was taking his first shower the jock would slap that balm on "that area".   You could hear the screaming for a block in all directions.

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I love to joke around, but there is NO prank funny enough to justify touching (even momentarily) another guy in "that area". 



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